humio-audit Event types

The type field in each humio-audit event defines the type of operation recorded in the audit log. The list of possible types is provided below.

Table: humio-audittype Values

Field ValueAvailabilityDescriptionFunctionality
action.delete  Action has been deleted Deleting an Action
alert.clear-error  Alert error has been cleared Editing Alerts
alert.create  Alert has been created Creating Alerts
alert.delete  Alert has been deleted Deleting Automated Alerts
alert.disable  Alert has been disabled Disabling an Alert
alert.enable  Alert has been enabled Disabling an Alert
alert.update  Alert has been updated Editing Alerts
baseaudit  Generic auditing entry The humio-audit Repository
bucket-storage.update  Bucket storage configuration has been updated Buckets & Archive Storage  Bucket storage target has been deleted Delete Bucket Storage Targets
cachepolicy.delete  Data caching policy has been deleted removeRepoCachePolicy()
cachepolicy.update  Cache policy has been updated setRepoCachePolicy()
config.settings  Configuration settings have been changed Configuration Settings
dashboard.create  A dashboard has been created Create Dashboards and Widgets
dashboard.delete  A dashboard has been deleted Main Operations  A shared dashboard link has been created Sharing Dashboards  A shared dashboard link has been deleted Disabling Access to Shared Dashboards  A shared dashboard link has been updated Disabling Access to Shared Dashboards
dashboard.update  A dashboard has been edited Edit Dashboards
datasource.autoshard  Datasource autosharding has started Configure Auto-Sharding for High-Volume Data Sources
datasource.delete  A datasource has been deleted Delete Datasources, Data Sources
datasource.max-autoshard-count  The globally configured maximum number of autoshards was overridden. DATASOURCE_MAX_AUTOSHARD_COUNT Configure Auto-Sharding for High-Volume Data Sources, updateMaxAutoShardCount()
datasource.stop-autoshard  Autosharding for a datasource has stopped Configure Auto-Sharding for High-Volume Data Sources
dataspace.block  Ingest has been paused Disabling Ingestion
dataspace.datatype  Repository datatype has been updated Repository and View Settings
dataspace.default-autoshard  Default autosharding rule applied Configure Auto-Sharding for High-Volume Data Sources
dataspace.delete  A repository has been deleted Delete a Repository or View
dataspace.kind  Dataspace kind has been updated Repository and View Settings
dataspace.limit-id  Repository limit has been updated Repository and View Settings
dataspace.max-ingest-request-size  Repository max ingest request size has been changed Repository and View Settings
dataspace.query  Query has been executed Writing Queries
dataspace.retention  Retention settings have been changed Data Retention
dataspace.settings  Repository settings have been updated Repository and View Settings
dataspace.taggroupingrules  Repository tag grouping rules have been updated Tag Grouping
dataspace.unblock  The ingest pause has been cleared Disabling Ingestion  Events have been deleted Redact Events API
dynamicconfig.set  A dynamic configuration value has been updated Dynamic Configuration
email-action.create  An email action has been created Action Type: Email
email-action.update  An email action has been updated Action Type: Email
eventforwarder.delete  An event forwarder has been deleted Event Forwarders
eventforwarder.disable  An event forwarder has been disabled Event Forwarders
eventforwarder.enable  An event forwarder has been enabled Event Forwarders
eventforwarder.kafka.create  An event forwarder has been created Event Forwarders
eventforwarder.kafka.update  An event forwarder has been updated Event Forwarders
eventforwardingrule.add  An event forwarding rule has been added Event Forwarding Rules
eventforwardingrule.delete  An event forwarding rule has been deleted Event Forwarding Rules
eventforwardingrule.update  An event forwarding rule has been updated Event Forwarding Rules
fdrfeed-controls.update  Falcon Data Replicator feed controls have been created Ingesting FDR Data into a Repository
fdrfeed.create  Falcon Data Replicator feed configurations have been created Ingesting FDR Data into a Repository
fdrfeed.delete  Falcon Data Replicator feed configurations have been deleted Ingesting FDR Data into a Repository
fdrfeed.update  Falcon Data Replicator feed configurations have been updated Ingesting FDR Data into a Repository  A feature flag has been updated at the cluster level Enabling & Disabling Feature Flags, Syntax  A feature flag has been updated at the organization level Enabling & Disabling Feature Flags, Syntax
featureflag.user.update  A feature flag has been updated at the user level Enabling & Disabling Feature Flags, Syntax
fieldaliasing.schema.create  A field aliasing schemas has been created Configuring Field Aliasing
fieldaliasing.schema.delete  A field aliasing schema has been deleted Configuring Field Aliasing
fieldaliasing.schema.disable-org  A field aliasing schema in an organization has been disabled Configuring Field Aliasing
fieldaliasing.schema.disable-view  Field aliasing on a view has been disabled Configuring Field Aliasing
fieldaliasing.schema.enable-org  A field aliasing schemas has been enabled on an organization Configuring Field Aliasing
fieldaliasing.schema.enable-views  A field aliasing schema has been enabled on a view Configuring Field Aliasing
fieldaliasing.schema.update  A field aliasing schema has been updated Configuring Field Aliasing
filterAlert.clear-error  A filter alert error condition has been cleared Monitoring Alerts
filterAlert.create  A filter alerter has been created Creating Alerts
filterAlert.delete  A filter alert has been deleted Deleting an Alert
filterAlert.disable  A filter alert has been disabled Disabling an Alert
filterAlert.enable  A filter alert has been enabled Disabling an Alert
filterAlert.update  A filter alert has been updated Editing Alerts
fleet.collectors.unenroll  Fleet collectors have been unenrolled Managing LogScale Collector Instance Enrollment  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
group.membership.change  A user has been added or removed in a group Group Memberships
group.organizationrole.assigned  An organization role has been assigned to a group Assign Roles to Groups
group.organizationrole.unassigned  An organization role has been unassigned from a group Assign Roles to Groups
group.role.assigned  A role has been assigned to a group Assign Roles to Groups
group.role.unassigned  A role has been removed from a group Assign Roles to Groups
group.systemrole.assigned  The system role has been added to a group Manage Groups
group.systemrole.unassigned  The system role has been removed from a group Manage Groups
hashedtokens.change  An API token has been changed API Tokens
hashedtokens.rotate  An API token has been rotated API Tokens
humio-repo-action.create  A LogScale repo action has been created Action Type: Falcon LogScale Repository
humio-repo-action.update  A LogScale repo action has been updated Action Type: Falcon LogScale Repository
identityProvider  Identity providers have been changed Authentication & Identity Providers
ingest.block  Event ingest was blocked Blocking and Unblocking Ingestion, Disabling Ingestion
ingestfeed.create  An ingest feed has been created Set up a New Ingest Feed
ingestfeed.delete  An ingest feed has been deleted Delete an Ingest Feed
ingestfeed.reset-quota  Quota/rate for ingest feed was set to a value or reset to defaults  
ingestfeed.update  An ingest feed has been updated Edit Ingest Feed Configuration
ingestlistener.create  An ingest listener has been created Ingest Listeners
ingestlistener.delete  Ingest listeners have been deleted Ingest Listeners
ingestlistener.update  Ingest listeners have been updated Ingest Listeners
iocaccess.update  IOC access was updated IOC Configuration, enableOrganizationIocAccess(), disableOrganizationIocAccess()
ipfilters.change  An IP filter has been updated Editing an IP Filter
login.bridge.allowed.users  Third-party authentication allowed users has been updated addLoginBridgeAllowedUsers()
login.bridge.change  Third-party authentication method has been changed updateLoginBridge()
login.bridge.delete  Third-party authentication method has been deleted removeLoginBridge()
login.bridge.generate.login  Third-party authentication user login request has been generated LoginBridgeRequest
login.bridge.terms.change  Third-party authentication has been updated updateLoginBridge()
notifications.create  A notification has been created  
notifications.delete  A notification has been deleted deleteNotification()
notifications.user.change  Notification user has been updated  
notifications.user.create  Notification user has been created  
notifications.user.delete  Notification user has been deleted  
ops-genie-action.create  OpsGenie action has been created Action Type: OpsGenie
ops-genie-action.update  OpsGenie action has been updated Action Type: OpsGenie
org.datasources.import  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
org.metadata.import  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
org.metadata.import.rollback  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
org.segments.import  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
organization.inconsistencyjob.start  An organization cleanup job was started  
organizations  Organization settings have been changed Organization Settings
organizations.batch  Organization inconsistency cleanup job run.  
organizations.buckets.readonly  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
organizations.cid.set  A Crowdstrike CID (customer ID) was associated with an organization  
organizations.cross.change  A cross organization view was created or updated. Repository and View Settings  A link between an organization and a "child" organization was created.  All links for the organization were removed.  Link to a child organization was removed.  
organizations.queryhandles.ownership-batch.update  Query ownership handles have been batch updated Updating Organization Ownership for Existing Queries
organizations.securitypolicies.actions.update  The security policy for Actions has been updated Changing Actions Security Policies
organizations.securitypolicies.shared-dashboards.update  Shared dashboard security policies have been updated Dashboard Security Policies
organizations.securitypolicies.tokens.update  Security policy for API tokens has been updated API Token Security Policies
organizations.selected.batch  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
organizations.subscription.change  Subscription changed for an organization updateOrganizationSubscription()
organizations.transfer.user  A user has been invited to join and joined another organization addUserV2()
organizations.update.foreignkey  Bad reference fixed in organization settings updateOrganizationForeignKey()
organizations.users  Organization users have been updated  
organizations.users.batch  Certain users within an organization have been fixed or removed.  
orgtransfer-job-status.create  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
orgtransfer-job-status.delete  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
package.entity.create  An item (query, dashboard, widget) within a package has been changed Packages
package.entity.delete  An item (query, dashboard, widget) within a package has been deleted Packages
package.error  A package error has been triggered Packages
package.install  A package has been installed Installing & Updating Packages
package.uninstall  A package has been uninstalled Installing & Updating Packages
package.update  A package has been updated Installing & Updating Packages
pager-duty-action.create  A PagerDuty action has been created Action Type: PagerDuty
pager-duty-action.update  A PagerDuty action has been updated Action Type: PagerDuty
parser.create  A parser has been created Creating a Parser
parser.delete  A parser has been deleted Creating a Parser
parser.update  A parser has been updated updateParserV2()
query-blocklist.add  Query blocklist has been created Blocking Queries
query-blocklist.remove  Query blocklist has been removed Blocking Queries
query-quota.set  Query quota setting has been updated Query Quotas
query.stop-all-queries  All queries have been stopped stopAllQueries()
query.stop-exporting-queries  All Streaming (live) queries have been stopped stopStreamingQueries()
query.stop-static-queries  All historical queries have been stopped stopHistoricalQueries()
readonly.dashboard.accessed  A read-only dashboard has been accessed Sharing Dashboards, Dashboard Security Policies
readonly.dashboard.update  A read-only dashboard has been updated Dashboard Security Policies  Redirect of ingest to target cluster has been cleared; event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  Redirect of ingest to target cluster was set; event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
repo.users  User access to a repo or view has been changed Repository & View Permissions, Manage Roles
repository.create  A repository has been created Creating a Repository or View
role.objectaction.change  Role has been changed Manage Roles, updateRole()
role.organizationpermissions.change  Role organization permissions have been changed Organization Administration Permissions, Manage Roles
role.systempermissions.change  Role system permissions have been changed Cluster Management Permissions, Manage Roles
role.viewpermissions.change  Role view or repository permissions have been changed Repository & View Permissions, Manage Roles
s3-archiving.configure  S3 archiving settings were changed S3 Archiving for LogScale Cloud, S3 Archiving (Self-Install)
s3-archiving.disable  S3 archiving was disabled S3 Archiving for LogScale Cloud, S3 Archiving (Self-Install)
s3-archiving.enable  S3 archiving was enabled S3 Archiving for LogScale Cloud, S3 Archiving (Self-Install)
s3-archiving.restart  S3 archiving was restarted S3 Archiving for LogScale Cloud, S3 Archiving (Self-Install)
saved-query.create  A saved query has been created User Functions (Saved Searches)
saved-query.delete  A saved query has been deleted User Functions (Saved Searches)
saved-query.update  A saved query has been updated User Functions (Saved Searches)
scheduled-search.clear-error  A scheduled search error condition has been cleared Scheduled Searches
scheduled-search.create  A scheduled search has been created Creating a Scheduled Search
scheduled-search.delete  A scheduled search has been deleted Scheduled Searches
scheduled-search.update  A scheduled search has been updated Scheduled Searches
segment.delete  A segment has been deleted Delete Segment from Metadata
sessions.revoke  A user session has been revoked revokeSession(), Managing Sessions within an Organization
slack-action.create  Slack action has been created Action Type: Slack
slack-action.update  Slack action has been updated Action Type: Slack
slack-post-message-action.create  Slack message action has been created Action Type: Slack
slack-post-message-action.update  Slack message action has been updated Action Type: Slack
subdomain.remove  Subdomain settings for an organization have been removed Authentication & Adding Collaborators, SubdomainConfig
subdomain.set  Subdomain settings for an organization have been updated Authentication & Adding Collaborators, SubdomainConfig
system-repository.create  LogScale system repository has been created  
tokens  API or security tokens have been updated API Tokens
transfer.ingest-redirection  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
transfer.metadata  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
transfer.segment  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
transfer.snapshot  TRANSFER_SNAPSHOT; event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
transferjob.added  A transfer job between clusters was added  
transferjob.cancelled  A transfer job was canceled  Event triggered by Falcon LogScale support performing an organization transfer to new cluster.  
upload-file-action.create  Update file action has been created Action Type: Upload File
upload-file-action.update  Update file action has been updated Action Type: Upload File
uploaded-file.create  A lookup file has been created Creating a File, UploadFileAction
uploaded-file.delete  An uploaded file has been deleted Exporting or Deleting a File
uploaded-file.update  An uploaded file has been updated UploadFileAction, Lookup Files
user.accept-standard-mandatory-dod-notice-and-consent  User has accepted the usage notice  
user.accept-terms  User has accepted the terms acceptTermsAndConditions()
user.invite-accepted  User has accepted an invite Manage Users
user.invited  A user has been invited to access the cluster Manage Users
user.profile  User settings have been changed Manage Users
user.roles.change  The roles assigned to a user have been changed Manage Users
user.signin  User has signed in Manage Users
user.signout  User has signed out (manually or automatically) Manage Users
victor-ops-action.create  A VictorOps action has been created Action Type: VictorOps (Splunk On-Call)
victor-ops-action.update  A VictorOps action has been updated Action Type: VictorOps (Splunk On-Call)
view.delete  A repository or view has been deleted Delete a Repository or View
view.rename  A repository or view has been renamed Repository and View Settings
view.restore  A previously deleted view was restored Delete a Repository or View
viewinteraction.create  A view interaction was created Event List Interactions
viewinteraction.delete  A view interaction was deleted Event List Interactions
viewinteraction.update  A view interaction was updated Event List Interactions
webhook-action.create  A webhook action has been created Action Type: Webhooks
webhook-action.update  A webhook action has been updated Action Type: Webhooks