LogScale System Repository Schema Guide

LogScale has a number of different repositories that store data with schemas and common data structures to provide a common organization for the information.

For internal LogScale data, this may include specific telemetry, metrics and operational information about how the LogScale cluster is operating. LogScale includes the following standard repositories:

Table: LogScale System Repositiories

Repository Name Self-Hosted Cloud Package/Dashboard
humio Yes No humio/insights
  Contains information about LogScale operations and activity, including debug, error and informational messages. It is not available on Cloud.
humio-activity Yes No humio/activity  
humio-organization-activity No Yes humio/activity
  The above two contain information about operations and activity, including debug, error and informational messages which are relevant to users and organizations.
humio-audit Yes Yes  
humio-organization-audit No Yes  
  Contains audited information about changes to the configuration or operation of the LogScale instance; for example, changes to repository settings, or the creation of API tokens.
humio-metrics Yes No  
  Contains a broad variety of metrics from internal LogScale runtime for Self-Hosted.
humio-organization-metrics No Yes  
  Contains a broad variety of metrics from internal LogScale runtime for Cloud.
humio-measurements Yes   
  Stores measurements about each ingest event which is used for usage.
humio-usage Yes No  
humio-organization-usage No Yes  
  The above two contain aggregated data based on measurements, used by the UI Usage Page.
humio-fleet Yes Yes  
  Stores metadata from log shippers, used by the Fleet Management UI.