Decodes an integer to its bit-representation and extracts the bits at specified indices to specified field names as a boolean.

The bits are indexed from 0 and can accept up to 64 bits (the length of a Long). If the value in the input field is larger, the lowest 64 bits will be used.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
fieldstringrequired   The name of the field that should be decoded.
onlyTruebooleanoptional[a] false If set to true, fields will only be added if their value in the bitfield is true; any flags that are false will not be added.
outputarray of arrays of stringsrequired   A list of pairs of indices in the bit-representation and the field name it should be written to.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

Click + next to an example below to get the full details.

Decode and Extract Bit Flags

Extract truebits using the bitfield:extractFlags() function

Generate Temporary Event With Bit Flags For Troubleshooting

Generate temporary events with the createEvents() function as part of the query to generate sample data for testing or troubleshooting