Humio Server 1.11.1 GA (2020-05-28)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

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Bug Fixes and Memory Optimizations

Fixed in this release

  • Other

    • Dashboard widgets now display an error if data is not compatible with the widget

    • Several improvements to memory handling

    • Several improvements to query error handling

    • Elastic Bulk API change

Known Issues

  • Other

    • Fluent Bit users might need to change the Fluent Bit configuration. To ensure compatibility with the newest Beats clients, the Elastic Bulk API has been changed to always return the full set of status information for all operations, as it is done in the official Elastic API.

      This can however cause problems when using Fluent Bit to ingest data into Humio.

      Fluent Bit in default configuration uses a small buffer (4KB) for responses from the Elastic Bulk API, which causes problems when enough operations are bulked together. The response will then be larger than the response buffer as it contains the status for each individual operation. Make sure the response buffer is large enough, otherwise Fluent Bit will stop shipping data. See: and