ServiceNow Alerts

Enabling the Integration

You must:

Sign up for ServiceNow
  1. Visit and follow the online registration.


    Figure 66. Servicenow

  2. Once signed up, you'll need to continue from your email inbox. Click on the email to verify your account and you'll be directed to the developer account main page. Select the UX you want to complete the set up.


    Figure 67. Servicenow

Create a Developer Instance

Once signed up, you should have access to create a new developer instance.

  1. Click the Request Instance button in the upper-right side of the page.

  2. You will be given a username and password for this instance that is separate from your username/password that is used in the developer account.

    • This developer instance you be created automatically for you (just wait a few mins)

    • Once the instance is fully stood up (automatically), a pop-up will display details about your new instance (URL to use, as well as credentials)


Figure 68. Servicenow

Ensure that your role is Admin. If it's not, you can change it in your profile:

  1. Go to your profile and click on Change User Role.


    Figure 69. Servicenow

  2. Update your role to Admin.


    Figure 70. Servicenow


    Figure 71. Servicenow

Create a Web Service
  1. On the main My Instance page, click the Start Building button

    • Log on to ServiceNow and the main App Engine Studio page is displayed.

    • On the top left, click the All menu, and search for web services.


    Figure 72. Servicenow

  2. Click Create New under PropertiesInbound. It may take a little while for the new web service to be created (a timer dialog will display in a banner note).

  3. Proceed to create a new Web Service. Each row is a new field created for this web service. These fields will be the variables where we'll send data to ServiceNow. You can also specify the length of each field. Once you're done, click on the Create button.

    In the top section:

    • Label: Inbound LogScale Integration

    • Name: <automatically filled in based on what is typed in Label field>

    • For Target table field, search for and select Incident .

    In the bottom section, double-click in the Insert a new row field and add the following labels (repeat for each value)

      • Summary *** also set the Length field at the end to "Medium (100)" ***

      • Full Description *** also set the Length field at the end to "Extra Large (4000)" ***

      • Incident Status

      • Request For


    Figure 73. Servicenow

  4. Once the Web Service is created, the next step is to start mapping these new fields to existing fields in ServiceNow's Incident table in the Table Transform Map form.

  5. On the upper-left, set the name for the mapping

    • Name: (defaults to "Inbound LogScale Integration")

  6. On the upper-right, set the target table:

    • Target table: Incident (defaults to Incident)

  7. Click on Mapping Assist at the bottom left of the screen to start mapping the fields.


    Figure 74. Servicenow

  8. A wizard will pop-up and you can map the following fields that we had just created. This will map which fields in an incident form will be populated by LogScale data. For example:

    • Summary ↔ Short Description

    • Full Description ↔ Description

    • Request For ↔ Caller

    • Incident Status ↔ State

    • Repository ↔ Additional Comments

    Click Save once you've completed the mapping.


    Figure 75. Servicenow

  9. In the following page, click Update to complete the process.


    Figure 76. Servicenow

Test the Web Service
  1. Start by going to the Filter Navigator and search for LogScale or the name of the Web Service that you had just created. Once the page loads, look for Explore REST API to test the newly created Web Service.


    Figure 77. Servicenow

  2. Click on REST API Explorer, you may receive this page. Click on the button Explore to continue.


    Figure 78. Servicenow

  3. In the REST API Explorer, scroll down to look for the button Add Field in the Request Body area. Add the newly created fields into the body of the request to test your Web Service in ServiceNow. Since this is an internal test to see if the Web Service works, hard code all the values.

    • Click on Add a field

    • Insert value in left column, then right, then click plus symbol

    • Repeat for each of the 4 rows

      • Summary ↔ Test LogScale Integration

      • Full Description ↔ This is a test of the LogScale alerting. No extra actions necessary.

      • Request for ↔ LogScale Admin

      • Incident Status ↔ new


    Figure 79. Servicenow

  4. Once completed, click on the Send button. If prompted about Modifying data, click OK.


    Figure 80. Servicenow

    If successful, you should see a return body towards the bottom of the REST API Explorer web page. A status of 201 is a successful creation of the incident ticket.


    Figure 81. Servicenow

  5. Go back to the main Service Now instance page. Click All and search for Incidents.


    Figure 82. Servicenow

    • Click on Incidents

      • NOTE 1: Incidents filtered by default - to remove the filtering, click the All option on the very left to show all incidents

      • NOTE 2: Within ServiceNow, you can pick from different views for how data on a page displayed

      For Incidents, clicking on the Incidents value on the upper-left of the page lets you pick different views (diff pre-built displays of available columns)

    • Click Incidents > View > Default view to see things like incident date/time in the display.

      • You should have a new incident available.

  6. Click on the incident number to open the ticket

    • Field values set earlier in process display within the ticket. For example:

    • "* Short description" lists the summary

    • Full Description lists the full details

      "* Caller" lists the "LogScale Admin"

  7. Servicenow

    Figure 83. Servicenow

LogScale Integration
  1. In LogScale, create a Http Web Hook Action.


    Figure 84. Servicenow

  2. The Endpoint URL should be in your ServiceNow Rest API Explorer. It would be under the Request section.


    Figure 85. Servicenow

  3. For your authentication, add it to the Http Header Authorization and you can encode your username/instance password using the default settings and pass it along as with Base64 here


    Figure 86. Servicenow

  4. You can get your username and instance password from your profile and go to "Manage Instance Password"


    Figure 87. Servicenow

  5. You will see your username and password here.


    Figure 88. Servicenow