
This package is installed from the LogScale Marketplace and requires that Falcon LTR is already provisioned. Prior to installation, please uninstall any related versions of this package that did not originate from the Marketplace.This package will generate an fdr_aidmaster.csv mapping file every 3 hours. You may receive a query error about the file not being found prior to the initial generation. To force the generation of this file before the 3 hour window:

  1. Go to both AlertsScheduled Searches -> FLTR aidmaster Generation scheduled search.

  2. Change the Search schedule to

    >* * * * *

    and click Save scheduled search.

  3. Wait approximately 1-2 minutes.

  4. Click on AlertsScheduled Searches. This should now show a Last Triggered time for the FLTR aidmaster Generation scheduled search. This means the file has been generated.


Do not skip these next steps. Revert the settings after the file has been generated:

  1. Go back to the FLTR aidmaster Generation scheduled search in AlertsScheduled Searches.

  2. Change the Search schedule back to the original value of:

    H */3 * * *
  3. Click Save scheduled search.