Pagination of Results

Search results can be obtained 'around' a specific event ID from a result set using the around parameter. This is a sub-structure to the main QueryInput JSON structure when making a request.


A powerful Pagination API is also available.

Table: Around JSON Object Fields

eventIdstringYes  The ID of the event to use as the reference point
numberOfEventsAfterintegerYes  Number of events to show after the eventId
numberOfEventsBeforeintegerYes  Number of events to show before the eventId
timestampintegerYes  The timestamp to use as the reference for pagination.

Querying using this method is a two-stage process; first find a reference ID of the query around which you want to view matching events, then search again specifying the number of events before and after that reference event.

For example:

   "start" : "1year",
   "queryString" : "css"

The query will return matching results with each event containing a unique ID:


Then, identify the ID (in the @id field of the response) of the original event to use as the original query, and the timespan that must be provided along with the around object that defines the scope, in this case 100 events before and after the reference event.

   "start" : "1year",
   "queryString" : "css",
   "around" : {
      "numberOfEventsAfter" : 100,
      "numberOfEventsBefore" : 100,
      "timestamp" : 1678371419000,
      "eventId" : "XPcjXSqXywOthZV25sOB1hqZ_0_23_1678371419"

This will return the events around the reference event:

2024-01-11T11:54:21weblogcustomjsontrueCould not parse json for field=@rawstring msg=Could not handle input. reason=Could not parse JSON | No timestamp found in field "@rawstring".Could not parse json for field=@rawstring msg=Could not handle input. reason=Could not parse JSONNo timestamp found in field "@rawstring". Ea5aqq0vOp3l2NPzpqCWfQSK_0_0_17049740612024-01-11T11:54:21 apache/http-server:apache_access
2023-10-19T09:51:33weblogaccesslogtrueThe event was filtered out by the parser. The original input is available in the `@rawstring` field of this event.The event was filtered out by the parser. The original input is available in the `@rawstring` field of this event. ML-C02FL14GMD6V0kY6kpTPP9kbGiYSUWP5mMhg_0_22_16977090932023-10-19T09:51:33/var/log/apache2/public-access_log 
2023-03-07T15:09:43weblogkv    ML-C02FL14GMD6VXPcjXSqXywOthZV25sOB1hqZ_0_3_16782017832023-08-08T08:31:23/var/log/apache2/access_log 
2023-03-07T15:09:42weblogkv    ML-C02FL14GMD6VXPcjXSqXywOthZV25sOB1hqZ_0_1_16782017822023-08-08T08:31:23/var/log/apache2/access_log 

The around query functionality is also used via the UI (see Searching Data).