Polling a Query Job

This endpoint lets you poll running Query Jobs.

To poll a running Query Job, make an HTTP GET request to the job.

In the following example request, replace {id} with the ID from the response of the Running Query Jobs:

Description Request the current query status and results  
MethodGET /api/v1/repositories/repo/queryjobs/id 
Request DataQueryInputJob 
Response DataQueryResults 
Authentication Requiredyes 
Path ArgumentsDescriptionData typeRequired?
id ID of the query job stringrequired
repo Name of repository to be searched stringrequired
Return Codes 
200 Request complete  
400 Request is malformed and either missing critical fields or the JSON is badly structured  
500 Request failed  

When LogScale runs a search, it returns partial results, i.e. the results that were found at the time query was polled. LogScale searches the newest data first, and then searches progressively backward in time.

The effect is for LogScale to produces some results as soon as possible. If there are more results in the ouput, the done: true property in a poll query shows if the query is finished.

For example, to run a query for a query job matching ID {id}:

$ curl https://$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/api/v1/repositories/$REPOSITORY_NAME/queryjobs/$ID \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN"

The result may be quite large as it includes both the search results, and also the metadata about the query execution for those events found up until that point.

An example of this output is shown below, truncated for readability:

   "cancelled" : false,
   "done" : true,
   "events" : [
         "#category" : "Alert",
         "#repo" : "humio-activity",
         "#severity" : "Info",
         "@id" : "uICEKBYrbcj5h4pXZ08FKI3Y_153_418_1722252213",
         "@ingesttimestamp" : "1722252213153",
         "@rawstring" : "category=\"Alert\" severity=\"Info\" @timestamp=\"1722252213152\" message=\"Alert found no results and will not trigger\" orgId=\"p1lVrKvnGK2wV7iQDSJkanF0iOwu9XJK\" subCategory=\"Alert\" alertId=\"SYMO03XiIbyDFqwF80txtebvOOJdpvOM\" alertName=\"High Cost\" viewId=\"eS7vttlsm1SvqqTcR4aUEDAB\" dataspace=\"view_asset_migration_test_gw\" status=\"Success\" externalQueryId=\"P31-TdoncOlaRBM3CJ1hQy43CCyc\" queryProcessedEvents=\"0\" queryTimeMillis=\"139616096\" alertTime=\"1722252209403\"",
         "@timestamp" : 1722252213152,
         "@timestamp.nanos" : "0",
         "@timezone" : "Z",
         "alertId" : "SYMO03XiIbyDFqwF80txtebvOOJdpvOM",
         "alertName" : "High Cost",
         "alertTime" : "1722252209403",
         "dataspace" : "view_asset_migration_test_gw",
         "externalQueryId" : "P31-TdoncOlaRBM3CJ1hQy43CCyc",
         "message" : "Alert found no results and will not trigger",
         "orgId" : "p1lVrKvnGK2wV7iQDSJkanF0iOwu9XJK",
         "queryProcessedEvents" : "0",
         "queryTimeMillis" : "139616096",
         "status" : "Success",
         "subCategory" : "Alert",
         "viewId" : "eS7vttlsm1SvqqTcR4aUEDAB"
   "fieldStats": [
          "fieldName": "message",
          "numOfDistinctValues": 3,
          "numOfOccurrences": 3,
          "topValues": {
              "Scheduled reports job finished": 1,
              "Scheduled reports job started": 1,
              "FDR polling loop finished": 1
          "fieldName": "class",
          "numOfDistinctValues": 2,
          "numOfOccurrences": 3,
          "topValues": {
              "c.h.e.v.f.FdrJob": 1,
              "c.h.s.j.ScheduledReportJob": 2
   "filesUsed" : [],
   "metaData" : {
      "costs" : {
         "liveCost" : 0,
         "liveCostRate" : 0,
         "staticCost" : 8,
         "staticCostRate" : 0
      "digestFlow" : {
         "ingestTimeKnownGood" : 1722252211871,
         "maxIngestLatency" : 2325,
         "minIngestTimeIncluded" : 1722252211871
      "eventCount" : 70735,
      "extraData" : {
         "hasMoreEvents" : "true"
      "filterQuery" : {
         "allowEventSkipping" : false,
         "end" : 1722252218865,
         "includeDeletedEvents" : false,
         "ingestEnd" : 9223372036854775807,
         "ingestStart" : 0,
         "isAlertQuery" : false,
         "isInteractive" : false,
         "isLive" : false,
         "isRepeatingSubquery" : false,
         "languageVersion" : "legacy",
         "noResultUntilDone" : false,
         "queryString" : "query",
         "showQueryEventDistribution" : false,
         "start" : 1722165818865,
         "useIngestTime" : false
      "isAggregate" : false,
      "pollAfter" : 300,
      "processedBytes" : 102079232,
      "processedEvents" : 94887,
      "queryEnd" : 1722252218865,
      "querySpent" : {
         "day" : {
            "liveCost" : 0,
            "queryCount" : 1,
            "staticCost" : 8
         "hour" : {
            "liveCost" : 0,
            "queryCount" : 1,
            "staticCost" : 8
         "oneMinute" : {
            "liveCost" : 0,
            "queryCount" : 1,
            "staticCost" : 8
         "tenMinutes" : {
            "liveCost" : 0,
            "queryCount" : 1,
            "staticCost" : 8
      "queryStart" : 1722165818865,
      "queuedMillis" : 0,
      "quotaTotalSpent" : {
         "day" : {
            "liveCost" : 730,
            "queryCount" : 4169,
            "staticCost" : 425
         "hour" : {
            "liveCost" : 27,
            "queryCount" : 159,
            "staticCost" : 145
         "oneMinute" : {
            "liveCost" : 0,
            "queryCount" : 5,
            "staticCost" : 8
         "tenMinutes" : {
            "liveCost" : 5,
            "queryCount" : 33,
            "staticCost" : 55
      "responderVHost" : 93,
      "resultBufferSize" : 200,
      "timeMillis" : 230,
      "totalWork" : 78,
      "warnings" : [],
      "workDone" : 78
   "queryEventDistribution" : {
      "events" : [
            "_bucket" : "1722165300000",
            "_count" : "310"
            "_bucket" : "1722166200000",
            "_count" : "735"
            "_bucket" : "1722167100000",
            "_count" : "735"
            "_bucket" : "1722168000000",
            "_count" : "740"
            "_bucket" : "1722250800000",
            "_count" : "753"
            "_bucket" : "1722251700000",
            "_count" : "442"
      "extraData" : {
         "bucket_first_bucket" : "1722165300000",
         "bucket_last_bucket" : "1722251700000",
         "bucket_span_humanized" : "15m",
         "bucket_span_millis" : "900000"
   "warnings" : []

The response is a formatted as a JSON object with the following top-level elements:

Table: QueryResult JSON Object Fields

cancelledboolean Indicates whether the query has been cancelled.
doneboolean True if the query has run to completion
eventsarray JSON of the events as an array
fieldStatsarray An array of field statistics objects. This object includes the field name, the number of unique values, the number of occurrences, and the top values.
filesUsedarray List of the files used to fulfill the query
filterMatchesarray Entries that match the supplied filter
metaData  Metadata about the result set in the form of QueryMetaDataJson
queryEventDistribution  Information used to render the distribution graph. Only supplied when the showQueryEventDistribution is set to true.
warningsarray List of warnings returned using the WarningJson.

The MetaData field contains the number of matching events, the query boundary, and information about the attributes and their unique value domains in the response. It also contains the list of warnings generated by the query.


Query timeouts are in operation for query jobs. If you do not poll a query for 90 seconds, then it stops and deletes itself. Live queries keep running for an hour without being polled.

Because there may be additional delays during polling from the client, it is recommended to include a marging of error and poll for results at a shorter interval of 45 or 30 seconds.