Audit Log Event query-quota.set

Query quota setting has been updated

This audit log type records operations for the following features:

Field TypeTypeAvailabilityDescription
actorActorType  Actor, as defined in humio-audit Actor Structure
defaultBoolean  Default value
liveCostOneMinuteLimitString  Limit for the live cost of the query for one minute
liveCostTenMinuteLimitString  Live cost for ten minutes
queryCountOneMinuteLimitString  Limit by Query Count for one minute
queryCountTenMinuteLimitString  Limit for query counts for 10 minutes
sensitiveBoolean  Whether the audited event is marked sensitive
staticCostOneMinuteLimitString  Query quote for One Minute
staticCostTenMinuteLimitString  Limit for static costs for 10 minutes
timestampZonedDateTime  Timestamp of the audited event
userIDString  User ID