Audit Log Event webhook-action.update

A webhook action has been updated

This audit log type records operations for the following features:

Field TypeTypeAvailabilityDescription
actionIdString  ID of the individual action
actionNameString  The name of the action, for example create, delete or update
actorActorType  Actor, as defined in humio-audit Actor Structure
bodyTemplateString  Template for the body of the message
headersHaveChangedBoolean  Headers have changed
ignoreSSLOption[Boolean]  Ignore SSL
methodString  User signing method
repoIdString  ID of the repository
repoNameString  Name of the repository
sensitiveBoolean  Whether the audited event is marked sensitive
timestampZonedDateTime  Timestamp of the audited event
urlHasChangedBoolean  URL for action has changed
useProxyOptionOption[Boolean]  Indicates whether a proxy should be used when triggering the action