Parses a string into a timestamp.
This function is important for creating parsers, as it is used to parse the timestamp for an incoming event.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
addErrors | boolean | optional[a] | true | Whether to add an error field to the event, if it was not possible to find a timestamp. |
as | string | optional[a] | @timestamp | Name of output field that will contain the parsed timestamp. The timestamp is represented as milliseconds since 1970 in UTC. LogScale expects to find the timestamp in the field @timestamp, so do not change this when creating parsers. |
caseSensitive | boolean | optional[a] | true | Whether the timestamp format pattern is case sensitive. For example, the format LLL will accept Feb but not feb in case sensitive mode, while both will be accepted in case insensitive mode. |
Valid Values | ||||
false | Pattern is not case sensitive | |||
true | Pattern is case sensitive | |||
field | string | required | The field holding the timestamp to be parsed. | |
format [b] | string | optional[a] | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSSSSSSSS]XXXXX | Pattern used to parse the timestamp. Either a format string as specified in Java's DateTimeFormatter, or one of the special format specifiers (these specifiers are not case-sensitive, that is, MilliSeconds works as well). |
Valid Values | ||||
millis | Epoch time in milliseconds (UTC) | |||
milliseconds | Epoch time in milliseconds (UTC) | |||
nanos | Epoch time in nanoseconds (UTC) | |||
seconds | Epoch time in seconds (UTC) | |||
unixTimeMillis | Epoch time in milliseconds (UTC) | |||
unixTimeSeconds | Epoch time in seconds (UTC) | |||
unixtime | Epoch time in seconds (UTC) | |||
timezone | string | optional[a] | If the timestamp does not contain a timezone, it can be specified using this parameter. Examples are Europe/London, America/New_York and UTC. See the full list of timezones supported by LogScale at Supported Time Zones. Note that if the timestamp does not contain a timezone, and no timezone is specified here, an error is generated. If the timezone is specified here, and one also exists in the timestamp, then this parameter overrides the timezone in the event. | |
timezoneAs | string | optional[a] | @timezone | Name of output field that will contain the parsed timezone. LogScale expects to find the timezone in the field @timezone , so do not change when creating parsers. |
[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set. |
Hide omitted argument names for this function
Omitted Argument NamesThe argument name for
can be omitted; the following forms of this function are equivalent:logscale SyntaxparseTimestamp("value",field="value")
logscale SyntaxparseTimestamp(format="value",field="value")
These examples show basic structure only.
Before parsing the timestamp, the part of the log containing the
timestamp should have been captured in a field. Typically this
is done during parsing, but can be extracted during queries
using functions like regex()
The parseTimestamp()
function formats times
using a subset of
LogScale also supports some special format strings like
, and
(see in table below the
description of the
parameter for a full list of options).
UTC time since 1970 in millisecondsunixtime
UTC time since 1970 in seconds
For the special formats that specify seconds (that is
, and
), the function
also supports specifying milliseconds using floating point
For example, 1690480444.589
means 2023-07-27 19:54:04 and 589
LogScale can also parse timestamps that use nanosecond precision, the nanosecond component will be extracted during the process. For example:
nanos := 1451606399999998965
Would extract 2024-03-07
and 547998965
If the timestamp is parsed it will create a field @timestamp containing the parsed timestamp in UTC milliseconds and a @timezone field containing the original timezone.
It is possible to parse time formats leaving out the year
designator as is sometime seen in time formats from Syslog. For
example, Mar 15 07:48:13
can be
parsed using the format MM d
. In this case LogScale will guess the
The logic used for guessing the year is as follows: if the date
(without a specified year) is less than 8 days into the future,
or in the past, then the current year is used. Otherwise, if the
date is more than 8 days into the future, then the previous year
is used. For example, if the current date is March 10
2025 06:00:00
, then the inferred year of Mar 18
is 2025
. If the current date
is March 7 2025
then the inferred year is
Extract a timestamp that is using millisecond precision embedded in a JSON value:
| parseTimestamp("millis", field=timestamp)
Events having a timestamp in ISO8601 format that include a timezone offset can be parsed using the default format:
expiryTime := "2018-09-08 17:51:04.777Z"
| parseTimestamp(field=expiryTime)
Another example is a timestamp like
| parseTimestamp(field=timestamp)
Parse timestamps in an accesslog where the timestamp includes
an explicit timezone offset like [02/Apr/2014:16:29:32
+0200] GET /hello/test/123 ...
/(?<client>\S+) \[(?<@timestamp>.+)\] (?<method>\S+) (?<url>\S+)/
| parseTimestamp("dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z", field=timestamp)
When parsing a timestamp without a timezone, such as
, you must
specify the timezone using the
parameter, as shown
in the following example:
parseTimestamp("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", field=timestamp, timezone="America/New_York")
If the timestamp does not contain a timezone, then one must
be specified using the
otherwise an error is generated.
Parse an event with a timestamp not containing year, like
Feb 9 12:22:44 hello world
| parseTimestamp("MMM [ ]d HH:mm:ss", field=timestamp, timezone="Europe/London")