Aggregate Query Functions

LogScale's aggregate query functions provide grouping and/or aggregation of event data.

Table: Aggregate Query Functions

FunctionDefault ArgumentAvailabilityDescription
array:intersection(array, [as])array  Determines the set intersection of array values over input events.
array:reduceAll(array, function, var)array  Computes a value from all events and array elements of the specified array.
array:reduceColumn(array, [as], function, var)array  Computes an aggregate value for each array element with the same index.
array:union(array, [as])array  Determines the set union of array values over input events.
avg([as], field)field  Calculates the average for a field of a set of events.
bucket([buckets], [field], [function], [limit], [minSpan], [span], [timezone], [unit])span  Extends the groupBy() function for grouping by time.
callFunction([as], field, function)function  Calls the named function on a field over a set of events.
collect(fields, [limit], [multival], [separator])fields  Collects fields from multiple events into one event.
count([as], [distinct], [field])field  Counts given events.
counterAsRate([as], field)field  Calculates the rate for a counter field.
fieldstats([limit])   Retrieves stats about fields.
groupBy(field, [function], [limit])field  Groups events by specified fields and executes aggregate functions on each group.
head([limit])limit  Returns the oldest events from an event stream.
linReg([prefix], x, y)   Computes linear relationship model between two variables using least-squares fitting.
max([as], field, [type])field  Finds the largest number for the specified field over a set of events.
min([as], field, [type])field  Finds the smallest number for the specified field over a set of events.
percentile([accuracy], [as], field, [percentiles])field  Finds one event with a field for each percentile specified.
range([as], field)field  Finds numeric range between smallest and largest numbers for field over a set of events.
rdns([as], field, [limit], [server])field  Events using RDNS lookup.
sankey(source, target, [weight])   Produces data compatible with Sankey widget.
selectFromMax(field, include)field  Selects event with the largest value for the specified field.
selectFromMin(field, include)field  Selects event with the smallest value for the specified field.
selectLast(fields)fields  Specify fields to select from events, keeping value of most recent event for each field.
series(collect, [endmatch], [maxduration], [maxpause], [memlimit], [separator], [startmatch])collect  Collects a series of values for selected fields from multiple events into one or more events.
session([function], [maxpause])function  Collects events into sessions, and aggregates them.
sort([field], [limit], [order], [reverse], [type])field  Sorts events by their fields.
stats([function])function  Used to compute multiple aggregate functions over the input.
stdDev([as], field)field  Calculates the standard deviation for a field over a set of events.
sum([as], field)field  Calculates the sum for a field over a set of events.
table(fields, [limit], [order], [reverse], [sortby], [type])fields  Used to create a widget to present the data in a table.
tail([limit])limit  Returns the newest events from an event stream.
timeChart([buckets], [function], [limit], [minSpan], [series], [span], [timezone], [unit])series  Used to draw a linechart where the x-axis is time.
top([as], [error], field, [limit], [max], [percent], [rest], [sum])field  Finds the top results based on a given field.
transpose([column], [header], [limit], [pivot])pivot  Transposes a query results set by creating an event for each attribute.
window([buckets], [function], [span])function  Computes aggregate functions over a sliding window of data.
worldMap([ip], [lat], [lon], [magnitude], [precision])   Used to produce data compatible with the World Map widget.

The functions listed in the Aggregate (for testing) Query Functions table are supported only for testing queries and parsers.

Table: Aggregate (for testing) Query Functions

FunctionDefault ArgumentAvailabilityDescription
createEvents(rawstring)rawstring  Generates temporary events as part of the query.