Displays statistics about the fields within the current event stream.
The function returns an event set that contains statistics for the fields in the current event set; the returned fields include:
Get stats about fields within the humio repository.
Would return a table like the following (showing the first 20 rows only):
#type | field | _count | distinct |
humio | sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor | 8001 | 1 |
humio | numberOfQueries | 12523 | 6 |
humio | sasl.oauthbearer.expected.issuer | 8001 | 1 |
humio | globalOffset | 14512 | 1 |
humio | tx_fifo | 34224 | 1 |
humio | metrics.sample.window.ms | 8001 | 1 |
humio | receive.buffer.bytes | 10419 | 4 |
humio | request.timeout.ms | 8037 | 3 |
humio | humioClass | 1205844 | 305 |
humio | sasl.mechanism | 8001 | 1 |
humio | p75 | 135504 | 32416 |
humio | sizeOfRunningQueriesBefore | 84217 | 5 |
humio | sasl.oauthbearer.token.endpoint.url | 7614 | 1 |
humio | time_ms | 14132 | 5029 |
humio | dataspaceId | 33180 | 10 |
humio | datasource | 28114 | 25 |
humio | @rawstring | 3694920 | 3679434 |
humio | tx_carrier | 34224 | 1 |
humio | p98 | 135504 | 37994 |
... |