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Count Characters in Field
Count the number of characters in a field using the length() function
In this example, the length() function is
used to count the number of characters in the
@rawstring field and output the result in a
field named _length.
Starting with the source repository events.
Counts the number of characters in the field
@rawstring field and outputs the result in a
field named _length. This
count includes all visible characters, spaces, and punctuation marks
in the log entry.
Using the as parameter, it
is also possible to define another output field, for example,
rawLength, if adding the
length(@rawstring, as="rawLength")
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to make a count of all characters (all visible
characters, spaces, and punctuation marks) in a log entry. Making a
count of all characters is useful for managing and analyzing, for
example, security logs, ensuring complete data capture for threat
detection and incident response.