Computes a cryptographic MD5-hashing of an input string of one field or an
array of fields. The hashed output is returned as a
hex string, meaning the hexadecimal
representation of the MD5 hash of data.
This function can be used to calculate checksums to compare outside of
LogScale or collect multiple fields into a combined string of
fixed length.
Click + next to an example below to get the full details.
MD5 Hash Multiple Fields
MD5 hash multiple fields using the crypto:md5() function
In LogScale it is possible to encode strings using
different algorithms such as
SHA-1, and
SHA-256 and create a hash;
also called a fingerprint. The MD5 hash function is the weakest of
the three, whereas SHA-256 is the strongest. The
crypto:md5() function is used to create the
MD5 hash by taking a string of any length and encoding it into a
128-bit fingerprint. The fingerprint is returned as hexadecimal
characters. Encoding the same string using the MD5 algorithm will
always result in the same 128-bit hash output (16 hexadecimal
digits). In this example, the crypto:md5()
function is used to hash the fields
a,b,c and return the
result into a field named
Starting with the source repository events.
Performs a cryptographic MD5-hashing of
a,b,c. The
field argument can be omitted to write:
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to encode a string using the MD5 hash. When
called with multiple values, crypto:md5()
function creates a single MD5 sum from the combined value of the
supplied fields. Combining fields in this way and converting to an
MD5 can be an effective method of creating a unique ID for a given
fieldset which could be used to identify a specific event type.
The MD5 is reproducible (for example, supplying the same values
will produce the same MD5 sum), and so it can sometimes be an
effective method of creating unique identifier or lookup fields
for a join() across two different datasets.
MD5 Hash a Field With a Given Value
MD5 hash a field with a given value using the crypto:md5() function
a:="Hello, world!"|crypto:md5(a)
In LogScale it is possible to encode strings using
different algorithms such as
SHA-1, and
SHA-256 and create a hash;
also called a fingerprint. The MD5 hash function is the weakest of
the three, whereas SHA-256 is the strongest. The
crypto:sha256() function is used to create
the SHA-256 hash by taking a string of any length and encoding it
into a 256-bit fingerprint. The fingerprint is returned as
hexadecimal characters. Encoding the same string using the SHA-256
algorithm will always result in the same 256-bit hash output (64
hexadecimal digits). In this example, the
crypto:md5() function is used to hash the
field a with value
Hello, world! and convert
the result into _md5:
Starting with the source repository events.
a:="Hello, world!"
Assigns the value Hello,
world! to the field a.
Performs a cryptographic MD5-hashing of
a:= "Hello, world!". The
output value would be _md5 =
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to encode a string using the MD5 hash. The
hash generators MD5,
SHA-1, and
SHA-256 are for example
useful for encoding passwords or representing other strings in
the system as hashed values.