Google Cloud Bucket Storage
LogScale supports writing a copy of the ingested logs to Google Cloud Storage using the native file format of LogScale, allowing LogScale to fetch those files and search them efficiently if the local copies are lost or deleted. This page will explain how to set up bucket storage with Google Cloud Storage. For more details on this topic in general, see the Bucket Storage page.
Keys & Configuration
You need to create a Google service account that is authorized to manage the contents of the bucket that will hold the data. See Google Authentication Documentation for an explanation on how to obtain and provide service account credentials, manually. Go to the Google Service Account Key page to create a service account key.
Once you have the JSON file from Google with a set of credentials,
place them in the /etc
directory on each
LogScale node. Be sure to provide the full path to the file in
the configuration file like this:
The JSON file must include the fields
. Any other field in
the file is currently ignored. Additionally, you will need to set some
options in the LogScale configuration file, related to using
Google Cloud Bucket Storage. Below is an excerpt from that file,
showing the options to set — your actual values will be
different, though:
These variables set the following values:
sets the name of the bucket to use.The encryption key given with
can be any UTF-8 string and will be used to encrypt the data stored within the bucket. The suggested value is 64 or more random ASCII characters.The
is used to set the optional prefix for all object keys. This option is empty by default. TheGCP_STORAGE_OBJECT_KEY_PREFIX
option allows nodes to share a single bucket, but each node must use a unique prefix. There is a performance penalty when using a non-empty prefix, and it is therefore recommend not to use a prefix.If there are any ephemeral disks in the cluster, you must set the last option here to
You can change the settings using the
to point to a fresh bucket at any
point in time. From that point, LogScale will write new files
to that bucket while still reading from any previously-configured
buckets. Existing files already written to any previous bucket
will not get written to the new bucket.
LogScale will continue to delete files from the old buckets
that match the file names that LogScale would put there.
Use with Non-Default Endpoints
You can point to your own hosting endpoint for the GCP to use for bucket storage if you host an GCP-compatible service.
Google Bucket Parameters
There are a few options that can help in tuning LogScale performance related to using Google Cloud for bucket storage.
There may be financial costs associated with increasing these as storage is billed using a combination of the number of operations and storage used.
You can set the maximum number of files that LogScale will concurrently download or upload. If not set in the configuration file, LogScale will take the number of hyperthreads supported by the CPU(s) and divide it by 2 to determine the value for this option. You might want to set it yourself with a different value:
This first option below is used to set the chunk size for upload and download ranges. The maximum is 8 MB, which is the default. The minimum value is 5 MB.
Use this next option to set whether you prefer LogScale
fetch data files from the bucket when possible — even if
another node in the LogScale cluster has a copy. It's set to
by default.
In some environments, it may be less expensive to transfer files this way. The transfer from the bucket may be billed at a lower cost, than a transfer from a node in another region or in another data center.
Setting the preference doesn't guarantee that the bucket copy will be used. The cluster can still make internal replications directly when the file is not yet in a bucket.
Export to Bucket with Google Cloud Storage
By default LogScale allows downloading the results of a query to a file. This file is generated as a HTTP stream directly from LogScale, and can be long-lasting with long periods of no data being transmitted when LogScale is searching for rare hits in large data sets. This can cause issues for some networks and load balancers.
As an alternative, LogScale allows exporting to Google Cloud Storage. The result of the query will be uploaded to the bucket storage provider and the user will be given a URL to download the file once the upload is complete.
As LogScale uses signed URLs for downloads, the user does not need read access to the bucket. The following configuration must be set for exporting to Google Cloud Storage:
The first line here is the GCP credentials to use when authenticating. The second line is the bucket where exports are sent.
Google Cloud Bucket Storage with Workload Identity
LogScale supports using Workload Identity for bucket storage and export to bucket of query results, rather than an explicit service account for Google Cloud Storage access.
To enable it, use the following configurations for bucket storage and export, respectively.
With these options enabled, the container service account will be used
for authentication rather than static keys. This configuration is
recommended as the best and most secure practice, therefore it takes
precedence over the usage of
The account applied for export requires the
level permission.