Basic Security and Resource Configuration
The following example provides the configuration for a basic cluster on AWS using ephemeral disks and bucket storage. Access to S3 is handled using IRSA (IAM roles for service accounts) and SSO is handled through a Google Workspace SAML integration (link). This example assumes IRSA and the Google Workspace are configured and can be provided in the configuration below.
Before the cluster is created the operator must be deployed to the Kubernetes cluster and three secrets created. For information regarding the installation of the operator please refer to the Install Humio Operator on Kubernetes.
Prerequisite secrets:
Bucket storage encryption key — Used for encrypting and decrypting all files stored using bucket storage.
SAML IDP certificate — Used to verify integrity during SAML SSO logins.
LogScale license key — Installed by the humio-operator during cluster creation. To update the license key for a LogScale cluster managed by humio-operator, this Kubernetes secret must be updated to the new license key. If updates to the license key is performed within the LogScale UI, it will be reverted to the license in this Kubernetes secret.
In practice it looks like this:
kubectl create secret --namespace example-clusters generic \
basic-cluster-1-bucket-storage --from-literal=encryption-key=$(openssl rand -base64 64)
kubectl create secret --namespace example-clusters generic \
basic-cluster-1-idp-certificate --from-file=idp-certificate.pem=./my-idp-certificate.pem
kubectl create secret --namespace example-clusters generic \
basic-cluster-1-license --from-literal=data=licenseString
Once the secrets are created the following cluster specification can be applied to the cluster, for details on applying the specification see the operator resources Creating the Resource.
Once applied the HumioCluster
resource is created along with many other resources, some of which
depend on cert-manager. In
the basic cluster example a single node pool is created with three pods
performing all tasks.
The overall structure of the Kubernetes resources within a LogScale deployment looks like this:
![]() |
Figure 6. Kubernetes Installation Cluster Definition
Any configuration setting for LogScale can be used in the cluster specification. For additional configuration options please see the Configuration Variables.