Retrieves the most recent events and returns a specified maximum number of events. The tail() function sorts events by either @timestamp or @ingesttimestamp, depending on their availability.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
limit[a]numberoptional[b] 200 The maximum number of events included in results.
  Maximum20,000The default maximum limit is not static and can be changed by setting the StateRowLimit dynamic configuration.

[a] The parameter name limit can be omitted.

[b] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

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As default, the tail() function uses the @timestamp field to select the most recent events. If not available, the @ingesttimestamp field is used instead.

If neither the @timestamp or @ingesttimestamp fields are available, the search will report the error: Expected events to have a @timestamp field for tail to work.

tail() Syntax Examples

Select the 10 newest where loglevel=ERROR:

| tail(10)

Select the 100 latest events and group them by loglevel

| groupBy(loglevel)

Although the default is 200, if a number higher than this is specified, LogScale will attempt to return as many results up to that number. For example:

"GET /_images"
| tail(1000)

Will return up to 1000 events matching an HTTP GET request for files in the _images directory. If there are only 287 matching events, all 287 will be returned.