Deploying Single PDF Render Services
The PDF Render service is provided as a single image that automatically configures itself to support generating PDF reports. By default the service will listen on port 5123. For other configuration options see PDF Render Server Configuration Options.
Docker images can be downloaded from Docker Hub. To download the latest version for using within Docker:
$ docker pull humio/pdf-render-service:0.0.24--build-76--sha-46f16d0a2acc834d562c182bf69ba4805f7b1e1d
To deploy the PDF Render service using docker use the following command:
$ docker run \
--net=bridge \
--name=pdfrender \
--ulimit="nofile=8192:8192" \
-p 5123:5123 \
--env-file=.env humio/pdf-render-service
If password encryption for the generated PDF reports is required, then a
writable temp directory (which can be mounted from the host) should be
made available. Otherwise, the container does not need any hosted
storage or other requirements. In the above command, the
file contains the
configuration information:
You can monitor the service by checking the log output.