Monitoring Usage in LogScale

Security Requirements and Controls

The Usage page in LogScale user interface shows the usage relative to your license: the current status as well as historical. These are the measurements that your LogScale contract is based on. By using this interface, you can dig into those measurements and numbers yourself.

Usage Page

On the Usage page, you can track and get an overview of your organization's usage, which includes ingest, storage, scanned data, and, if applicable, user seats.

The Usage interface is available to organization owners only; from your profile account menu click Organization SettingsUsage to find it.

Usage Page

Figure 13. Usage Page

Current Usage

The Current usage relative to license section gives you an indication of your usage at the current moment and whether you are going above or below your contracted values.

If you're exceeding your contract, the panel will indicate this with a warning.

The calculations displayed on this page do not apply to Falcon Long Term Repository. For information on your Falcon Long Term Repository license usage, please refer to the Usage Reports page in the Falcon documentation.

Current Usage

Figure 14. Current Usage

Ingest Over Time

In the Ingest over time chart, you can get an overview of ingestion within a selected time period.

Average ingest per day is calculated as a 30-day moving average. This means, for example, that the value shown for the 15th of July is the average daily ingest in the period 15th of June to 15th of July. This is to allow for spikes in ingest.

The ingest chart also shows the license limit, and an indication for which periods the rolling average has passed the limit.

Ingest Over Time With Spikes Example

Figure 15. Ingest Over Time With Spikes Example

You can select a single date, which will update the data shown in the repository table.

Stored Data Over Time

In the Stored data over time chart, you can get an overview of the storage usage within a selected time period.

The storage chart will also show the license limit and indicate for which periods the storage has passed the limit.

Stored data Over Time

Figure 16. Stored data Over Time

As was the case for the ingest chart, you can select a single date, which will update the data shown in the repository table.

Repository Table

For both ingest and stored data, you can get an overview of the usage data based on the repositories that the data is in.

The data shown in the table correlates with the selected year, month and day from the chart.

In the table, you are able to search for specific repositories and sort based on name and value to get a better idea of which repositories have the most or least usage.

From the table, you can navigate to each repository or run a usage query in humio-organization-usage, which will show logs for that particular repository (#repo=NAME_OF_REPO.).


You must have permissions to search in the humio-organization-usage repository for this to work as intended.

Repository Table

Figure 17. Repository Table

What We Measure

The measurements your contract is based on are the following: ingested data, stored data and scanned data, and possibly, the number of user seats, depending on the contract.

Ingested Data

Ingested data is the amount of data in bytes after it was parsed in LogScale.

Stored Data

Stored data is the amount of data that you have stored in LogScale, in bytes.

Scanned Data

Scanned data is the amount of data that was searched through when running queries. Every time a query runs, LogScale measures the amount of data it needs to look into to answer the query.

User Seats

The number of users your contract limits you to, if any.

Measuring Usage

LogScale collects your usage data by logging it internally in LogScale.

The diagram below shows the flow of ingest and all the points where LogScale measures your usage for infrastructure maintenance needs.


Parsing can either reduce or expand the log size. Adding to your data during parsing can make it more useful, but carries additional ingest cost as it increases the amount of data. For information about the ingest cost calculation, see Measure Data Ingest.

Ingest Flow

Figure 18. Ingest Flow

M3 is the point used to measure ingested data. As you can see in the chart, it is based on a field called segmentWriteBytes (segment_save).

LogScale Measurement Repositories

LogScale logs data volumes in multiple repositories. Use them to run audits to see how much data you ingest, which repositories it went to, and how much you are storing.

humio-measurements Repository

The humio-measurements repository holds more fine-grained details, and has 30 days retention. For more information, see The humio-measurements Repository.

humio-usage Repository

The logs in this repository are the results of an hourly query to the humio-usage repository. For more information, see The humio-usage Repository.