World Map Widget

The World Map widget displays geographical data on a world map. Different map projections are supported, such as the standard mercator or orthographic projection.

See in Figure 151, “World Map Chart” an example of how this widget may look like.

World Map Chart

Figure 151. World Map Chart

Input Format

Find in table below the main fields that are typically used in the World Map widget.

Field Type Description
lat number A field containing the latitude to use for geohash bucketing.
lon number A field containing the longitude to use for geohash bucketing.
geohash string OPTIONAL. A base32 geohash string to calculate latitude and longitude.
precision number The precision to use in the calculation of the embedded geohash. Usually 4 is fine for a full globe, 12 is for a small area of zoom.
magnitude aggregate A function used to calculate the magnitude (weight) of each bucket. This value is used to determine the size or opacity of the world map markers.

If both geohash and lat and lon are specified, geohash is ignored.

The World Map widget can be used with any input that satisfies the format above, but you will usually want to bucket locations using geohashing. LogScale provides the worldMap() function that helps you conform to the format.

Example 1: IP addresses
Example 2: Existing geo-coordinates
worldMap(lat=myLatitudeField, lon=myLongitudeField, magnitude=avg(responseTime))
Example 3: Alternative

You do not have to use the worldMap() function in order to use the widget. You can also provide data that conforms to the input format. The results in Example 2 can be reproduced using the following query:

geohash(lat=myLatitudeField, lon=myLongitudeField)
| groupBy(_geohash, function=avg(responseTime, as=magnitude))

Here we use the geohash() function to achieve the same bucketing of points as the worldMap() function does for us. If we do not use geohashing, we risk getting way too many points, making the widget very slow.

Widget Properties

Use the widget's Edit Style panel to configure the following properties.

  • Title

    The title of the widget as displayed in the dashboard.

  • Description

    The description of the time chart. This is free form text supporting markdown syntax.

    This same description appears in the dashboard as a tooltip by hovering over the question mark on top of the widget.

  • Center

    Allows you to center the map on a specific area or country. You can also zoom in or out the map. Available settings are:

    • Latitude

    • Longitude

    • Zoom Level

  • Marks

    • Magnitude Mode

      Determines how to scale the mark for each location based on the magnitude field.

      Valid options are:

      • None — no magnitude mode is selected so the marks are not scaled based on the magnitude field.

      • Opacity — scale mark opacity based on the magnitude field (more opacity in the dots for larger values).

      • Size — scale mark size based on the magnitude field (larger dots for larger values).

    Depending on the mode selected:

    • Point Size — when the Size magnitude mode is not selected, this slider allows to set the fixed size of the marks in a range between 1 and 40 pixels.

    • Point Opacity — when the Opacity magnitude mode is not selected, this slider allows to set the fixed opacity of the marks in a range between 1 and 100 percent.

    When Size magnitude mode is selected, you can set:

    • Min Point Size — the minimum size of the marks on each location.

    • Max Point Size — the maximum size of the marks on each location.

    When Opacity magnitude mode is selected, you can set:

    • Min Opacity — the minimum opacity of the marks on each location.

    • Max Opacity — the maximum opacity of the marks on each location.

  • Projection

    • Type

      Valid options are:

      • Mercator — depicts the standard, cylindrical map projection that represent north as up and south as down everywhere while preserving local directions and shapes.

      • Albers USA — depicts an equal area conic projection used to visualize US States.

      • Orthographic — depicts a hemisphere of the globe as it appears from outer space.

    • Rotate

      Allows rotation of the map. Valid options are:

      • Rotation X

      • Rotation Y

      • Rotation Z