Accessing the cluster

There are two steps to getting the data in, configuring the DNS and accessing the LogScale user interface.


There should be a DNS CNAME record created on Route53 pointing directly to the Ingress Application Load Balancer. The LogScale URL is composed of the hostname + Route53 zone name. For a cluster of type internal-ingest, as an example, the ingress ending with ui-ingress is pointing to the internet-facing AWS Application Load Balancer. To find out the ingress and ALB respective names, run the following command:

k get ingress -n logging 
NAME                           CLASS  HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                  PORTS     AGE
cluster_name>-ingest-ingress   none   *   80, 443   42h
cluster_name>-ui-ingress       none   *             80        42h

Logging In

Go to the LogScale URL on your browser. Since we are using static authentication mode, the single username will be admin and the password can be obtained by running:

kubectl get secret <cluster_name>-single-user-password -n logging -o=template --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -D

If you are running the above command on Linux, you may need to use base64 --decode.