System Requirements

When installing LogScale self-install there are system requirements for the deployment. These requirements include:

  • Operating System — Operating systems for bare metal deployment.

  • Browsers — Web browsers used to interact with and use the LogScale dashboard.

  • Java — Java Virtual machines and variants for running LogScale server.

  • Kafka — Kafka for running LogScale server.

Operating System

LogScale is designed to operate on a Linux-based Operating System, with assumptions made about the environment and capabilities consistent with Linux infrastructure.

The following Linux distributions are known to work:

  • Debian-based distributions, including Ubuntu

  • RedHat-based distributions


LogScale works within the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome — the two most recent versions

The following browsers should work but are not officially supported:

  • Apple Safari — at least the three most recent versions

  • Mozilla Firefox — at least the three most recent versions

Operation with other browsers is unknown and not officially supported.


LogScale requires Java. Customers deploying LogScale using the Docker containers will receive a bundled JDK and do not need to take account of the Java compatibility.

When installing on bare-metal or cloud environments, a suitable JDK will need to be installed. It is recommended that you install the latest LTS (Long Term Support) JDK for deployment. For compatibility, LogScale retains support for older JDK versions to allow users time to upgrade.

See Release Notes to determine the support Java release for the LogScale version being used.

LogScale will announce the cessation of support for any LTS JDK version 6 months ahead of time on Deprecated Features.

Starting with LogScale Cloud and Installing Using Containers uyse the Azul-provided Zulu JVM (see Azul JDKs). For information on which JDK is supported and used in each release, see Release Notes.


LogScale recommends that the latest Kafka version be used with your LogScale deployment. The latest version of Kafka is available at Kafka Downloads.

The Kafka cluster should be upgraded annually and not be more than eighteen (18) months old to ensure the best compatibility.

At a minimum, LogScale requires to run on Kafka version 2.4.1 or higher and is tested against the latest Kafka version. For more information, see Installing Native Kafka.