Available:accumulate() v1.174.0

The accumulate() function is available from version 1.174.0.

The accumulate() function applies an aggregation function cumulatively to a sequence of events. It is useful for calculating running totals, running averages, or other cumulative metrics over time or across a series of events.

For more information about sequence functions and combined usage, see Sequence Query Functions.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
currentenumoptional[a] include Controls whether to include the current event in the accumulation.
   Valid Values
   excludeExclude current event in the accumulation
   includeInclude current event in the accumulation
function[b]array of aggregate functionsrequired   The aggregator function to accumulate (for example, sum(), avg(), count()). It only accepts functions that output at most a single event.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

[b] The parameter name function can be omitted.

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  • The accumulate() function must be used after an aggregator function (for example, head(), sort(), bucket(), groupBy() timeChart()) to ensure event ordering, as the accumulate() function requires a specific order to calculate cumulative values correctly.

  • Only functions (for example, sum(), avg(), count()) that output a single event can be used in the sub-aggregation because the accumulate() function needs a single value to add to its running total for each event.

accumulate() Examples

Click + next to an example below to get the full details.

Calculate Running Average of Field Values

Calculate a running average of values in a dataset using the accumulate() function

Compute Cumulative Aggregation Across Buckets

Compute a cumulative aggregation across buckets using the accumulate() function with timeChart()

Compute Cumulative Aggregation For Specific Group

Compute a cumulative aggregation for a specific group using the accumulate() function with groupBy()

Count Events Within Partitions Based on Condition

Count events within partitions based on a specific condition using the partition() function combined with neighbor() and accumulate()

Detect Changes And Compute Differences Between Events - Example 2

Detect changes and compute differences between events using the neighbor() function combined with accumulate()