Relative Time Syntax

Relative time syntax allows you to specify a time interval as a duration relative to a specific endpoint, typically the current moment ("now"). This syntax is versatile and can be used in various parts of the platform, including:

  • Specifying the time range for a query using the UI or API.

  • Defining the length of the span for buckets when using functions like timeChart() or bucket().

To make specifying a time more flexible, LogScale supports a relative time syntax. This lets you express a simple time duration, rather than specifying two absolute times.

You specify a relative time modifier as a number followed by a word. The following table shows which words you can use:

Time Unit Accepted Values Notes
Milliseconds millisecond, milliseconds, millis, ms  
Seconds second, seconds, s, sec, secs  
Minutes minute, minutes, m, min  
Hours hour, hours, h, hr, hrs  
Days day, days, d Interpreted as 24h in milliseconds
Weeks week, weeks, w Interpreted as 7 days in milliseconds
Months month, months, mon Interpreted as 30 days in milliseconds
Quarters quarter, quarters, q, qtr, qtrs Interpreted as 90 days in milliseconds
Years year, years, y, yr, yrs Interpreted as 365 days in milliseconds

You can include a space character between the number and the unit of time.

Relative Time Syntax Examples

Two hours:

logscale Syntax

Two hours:

logscale Syntax
2 hours

Three weeks:

logscale Syntax
3 weeks

Ten seconds:

logscale Syntax

Ten seconds:

logscale Syntax

Advanced Time Syntax

Available:Advanced Time Syntax v1.154.0

Calendar-based units and time anchoring.

LogScale supports two additional relative time syntax structures:

  • Calendar-Based Units enables you to specify a time relative to the calendar. For example, specifying a time, days or months, in the past relative to the current time.

  • Anchoring to Specific Time Units enables you to specify a point in time to use as the 'anchor' point for relative time declarations. For example, setting the anchor point to the beginning of the week, and then specifying the time relative to that anchor.

Calendar-Based Units

The default interpretation of time units is fixed-duration in milliseconds. However, you can change this to a calendar-based interpretation by adding the calendar: prefix to the entire time string. Example:

  • Current Date: May 24th

  • Syntax: calendar: 2months

  • Result: March 24th (two calendar months back)

Without the calendar: prefix, 2months would be interpreted as 60 days (2 * 30 days), resulting in March 25th.

Anchoring to Specific Time Units

Relative time syntax also supports anchoring (or snapping) to a specific time unit, allowing you to define specific points in time, such as yesterday, week to date or last quarter. Anchoring is indicated by the @ (at) symbol in the syntax. For example: 1d@d+12h, will be interpreted as yesterday at 12PM.

For a detailed interpretation of this example, assuming that the current time is August 14th, 1 PM (13:00), the anchor specification 1d@d+12h:

  • Go back 24 hours (to August 13th, 1 PM) (1d)

  • Anchor to the beginning of the day (August 13th, 00:00) (@d)

  • Add 12 hours, resulting in August 13th, 12 PM (interpreted as "yesterday at 12 PM") (+12h)

Anchored Time Points - Syntax

The general form of an anchored time point is:

calendar:base offset@anchor unitanchor offsets


  • calendar: (Optional) — Prefix for calendar-based interpretation.

  • Base Offset: A relative offset, numbertime unit (for example, 30min or 1year).

  • Anchor Unit Specifies the time unit to snap to (for example, @d for the start of the day).

  • Anchor Offsets: A sequence of additional relative offsets, separated by + or - (for example, +24h-30min).

The syntax is intepreted as follows:

Given a point in time t (representing the current date and time):

  1. Base Offset — Go back the duration specified by the base offset relative to t.

  2. Anchor Unit — Snap to the specified anchor unit. For example, ...@d would snap to the beginning of the day.

  3. Anchor Offsets — Apply any additional offsets. For example, ...@...+24h-30min means "go forward 24 hours, then back 30 minutes."

When using both calendar-based units and anchoring, the time zone specified in the query is applied.

LogScale applies different default time zones depending on how you submit the query:

  • Query submitted via API: applies Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) if you do not specify a time zone.

  • Query submitted via UI: applies the time zone you select in the time zone dropdown field.

Important Limitations

The following limitations apply for anchored relative time syntax:

  • Unsupported in live queries and scheduled searches:

    Calendar-based time units and anchoring are not supported in these scenarios.

  • Unsupported for span length in timeChart() and bucket() functions:

    You cannot use calendar-based time units and anchoring to define the span length in these functions.

Calendar-based Units and Anchoring Examples
Example Interpretation Notes
now@d Start of today (00:00:00 at the current date)  
now@w Monday this week  
calendar: 1d@d Yesterday at 00:00:00 calendar: 1d@d allows to account for Daylight Saving Time change, unlike 1d@d which can produce results shifted by 1 hour because 1d means 24h.
calendar: 2months The same day, two months ago. For example: If now=May 27 2024 11:28:29 then result is March 27 2024 11:28:29 This is not equivalent to 2months because 1month (without calendar prefix) is defined as 30 days.
now@quarter Start of the current quarter  
6h@h+30min The 30th minute of the hour, 6 hours ago Adding calendar: to this example has no effect because the units (hours, minutes) are not date-based.

Regular Expression

This regular expression describes the format:

logscale Syntax
^(\d+) ?(years?
| y
| yrs?
| quarters?
| q
| qtrs?
| months?
| mon
| weeks?
| w
| days?
| d
| hours?
| hr?
| hrs
| minutes?
| m
| min
| seconds?
| s
| secs?
| milliseconds?
| millis
| ms)$