Appends single or multiple values to an array, or creates a new array if it does not already exist.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
array[a]stringrequired   Name of the array to append values to. Must follow valid Array Syntax for array of scalars. For example, for events with fields incidents[0], incidents[1], ... this would be incidents[].
valuesarray of expressionsrequired   The list of expressions to be appended.

[a] The parameter name array can be omitted.

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The syntax for array:append() looks like this:

logscale Syntax
array:append(array="foo[]", values=[exp_1,  exp_n])

where array:append() is used to either append the values of exp_1 to exp_n at the end of the foo[] array, or create a new array of these values if the array foo[] is not present in the event. If one of the expressions does not evaluate to a value, then that expression is skipped.

array:append() requires that the input array has continuous, sequential indexes with no gaps. If there are gaps (that is, missing indexes), the function will start inserting new values at the first missing index, potentially overwriting existing elements. For example, having a missing index like in:

|array[0]  | foo  |
|array[1]  | bar  |
|array[3]  | baz  |

the query:

array:append("array[]", values=["x", "y", "z"])

will produce the following output:


Showing that array[3] has been overwritten.

Click + next to an example below to get the full details.

Create New Array by Appending Expressions

Create a new flat array by appending new expressions using the array:append() function

Split Comma-Separated Strings in Array Into New Array

Split comma-separated strings in array into new flat array and extend with new values using the array:append() function