Query Filters

Query filters allow you to search LogScale with filters using free text, field matches, and regular expressions.

A filter is a less general kind of expression compared to an expression. Neither is a subset of the other, but Filter is particularly quirky:

Implicit AND is supported in the Filter production so be aware that this:

foo < 42 + 3


logscale Syntax
(foo < 42) AND "*+*" AND "*3*"

Essentially, two expressions are considered to be logically combined with an AND so that:

src="client" ip=""

Matches both filter expressions, (for example both a client and localhost address).

The above implies the pipe in the expression, so the above is identical to:

| ip=""

For more information on the precise grammar for filters, see Filters.

Free-Text Filters

The most basic query in LogScale is to search for a particular string in any field of events. All fields (except for the special @id, @timestamp, @ingesttimestamp fields and the tag fields) are searched, including @rawstring.

Free-text filters operate on the fields in the events that are present at the start of the pipeline when performing a search. Free-text search does not take into account any fields added or removed within the pipeline.

Deprecated:Free-text search v1.175.0

Free-text searches after aggregate functions are deprecated starting from version 1.175.

Free-text searches are only supported before an aggregate. A free-text search after the first aggregate function refers to any text filter that is not specific to a field and appears after the query's first aggregate function. For instance, this example syntax with a free-text search after an aggregate function is not valid:

Invalid Example for Demonstration - DO NOT USE
"Lorem ipsum dolor" 
| tail(200)         
| "sit amet, consectetur"

To work around this issue, you can:

  • Move the free-text search in front of the first aggregate function.

  • Search specifically in the @rawstring field.

If you know the field that contains the value you're searching for, it's best to search that particular field. The field may have been added by either the log shipper or the parser, and the information might not appear in the @rawstring field.

When a free-text search is applied in a parser this differs; the event is processed as it is present at the point where the free-text search occurs. LogScale recommends using Field Filters whenever possible within a parser to avoid ambiguous matches.

Free-text search does not specify the order in which fields are searched. When not extracting fields, the order in which fields are checked is not relevant as any match will let the event pass the filter.

But when extracting fields using a regular expression, matches can yield non-deterministic extracted fields. To make extracted fields be the same if a match was also possible in the older versions, LogScale prefers a match on @rawstring before trying other fields when extracting fields.


You can perform more complex regular expression searches on all fields of an event by using the regex() function or the /regex/ regex syntax.

Query Description
foo Find all events matching foo in any field of the events. Without a field specification, the text is treated as if it has a leading and trailing wildcard. For example *foo*
"foo bar" Use quotes if the search string contains white spaces or special characters, or is a keyword. Without a field specification, the text is treated as if it has a leading and trailing wildcard. For example "*foo*"
"msg:\"welcome\" " You can include quotes in the search string by escaping them with backslashes.

You can also use a regular expression on all fields. To do this, write the regular expression, for example /regex/:

Query Description
/foo/ Find all events matching foo in any field of the events.
/foo/i Find all events matching foo ignoring case.

Field Filters

Besides the free-text filters, you can also query specific event fields, both as text and as numbers.

Query Description
url = *login* The url field contains login. You can use * as a wild card.
user = *Turing The user field ends with Turing.
user = "Alan Turing" The user field equals Alan Turing.
user != "Alan Turing" The user field does not equal Alan Turing.
url != *login* The url field does not contain login.
user = * Match events that have the field user.
user != * Match events that do not have the field user.
name = "" Match events that have a field called name but with the empty string as value.
user= "Alan Turing" You do not need to put spaces around operators (for example, = or !=).

Regular Expression Filters

In addition to globbing (* appearing in match strings) you can match fields using regular expressions.

To use a regular expression, enclose the regular expression in two forward slashes. For example:


The use of a regex in this syntax is similar to using the regex(). There are some differences between /regex/ and regex() operations:

  • /regex/ searches:

  • field = /regex/ searches:

    • Only the specified field using the qualified regular expression

  • regex() searches:


The different regex syntax operations are significantly different in performance: the /regex/ searching over all fields is slower compared to using either regex() or /regex/ that search on a single, specific field instead.

Query Description
url = /login/ The url field contains login.
user = /Turing$/ The user field ends with Turing.
loglevel = /error/i The loglevel field matches error case insensitively; for example, it could be Error, ERROR or error.
/user with id (?<id>\S+) logged in/ | top(id) The user id is extracted into a field named id at search time. The id is then used in the top function to find the users that logged in the most.

Certain functions can also be used to filter events. For a list of these functions, see Filtering Query Functions.