Scheduled Reports Errors and Resolutions
When investigating errors to identify issues, make use of the message and suggestion fields to provide guidance on why an issue has occurred. The list below describes each message type.
Info: is informational and does not require action.
Warning: there is something to be aware of. In some cases, the warning resolves on its own. But if the message persists, it may require action.
Error: there is an error that requires action.
The table below lists the messages for scheduled reports in the UI and corresponding suggestions to resolve issues.
Table: Scheduled reports errors and solutions
Message | Version | Severity | Status | Description | Solution |
Scheduled report dashboard is missing. | Error | Failure | The dashboard on which the scheduled report is based is missing. | Inspect the scheduled report and update it with an existing dashboard. | |
Scheduled report failed to finish executing because of a configuration error. Report will be disabled! | 1.140.0 | Error | Failure | The scheduled report failed to finish executing because of a configuration error. The report will be disabled to allow time to resolve the error. | Edit the scheduled report configuration and enable the report again. |
Scheduled report failed to finish executing because of a configuration error. Report will be disabled | Error | Failure | The scheduled report failed to finish executing because of a configuration error. The report will be disabled to allow time to resolve the error. | Edit the scheduled report configuration and enable the report again. | |
Scheduled report job cannot send render requests due to missing publicUrl configuration | Error | Failure | The public URL configuration is missing and the scheduled report job cannot send requests to render the reports. | Contact the system administrator to get the proper configuration for the public URL set up for the cluster. | |
Scheduled report is broken and will not run | Error | Failure | The scheduled report configuration prevents the alert from running. | Check if the referenced dashboard was deleted. Update the scheduled report to fix the issue. For more information about how to do this, see Edit Scheduled Reports. | |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the scheduled report is broken | Error |
| Some configuration of the scheduled report is broken and the report cannot run. | Check if the referenced dashboard that is the basis for the scheduled report was deleted. Update or recreate the scheduled report to fix the issue. | |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the scheduled report is not assigned to run on any node | Error | Failure | The scheduled report is not assigned to run on any nodes. Scheduled reports are distributed evenly among the nodes in a cluster, so that each one runs on a single node. Reassignment of nodes on which scheduled reports run occurs automatically when new cluster nodes are added or old cluster nodes are removed. | If the scheduled report does not run on another node after 15 minutes, contact LogScale Support. | |
Scheduled report is still being generated | Info | Success | The scheduled report is still being generated. | None. This message is informational. If the message persists after 15 minutes, contact LogScale Support. | |
Scheduled report successfully finished executing | Info | Success | The scheduled report executed successfully. | None. This message is informational. | |
Scheduled report execution is being started | Info | Success | Scheduled report execution is being started. | None. This message is informational. | |
Scheduled report generation was not started as the node is shutting down | Info | Failure | Scheduled report generation was not started because the node is shutting down. | None. This message is informational. Once the node restarts, scheduled reports will run. Contact the system administrator if the node downtime was unexpected. | |
Scheduled report generation was not started as the node is shutting down. | 1.140.0 | Info | Failure | Scheduled report generation was not started because the node is shutting down. | None. This message is informational. Once the node restarts, scheduled reports will run. Contact the system administrator if the node downtime was unexpected. |
Scheduled report lagged behind and had to be rescheduled | 1.152.0 | Info | Failure | The scheduled report lagged behind and had to be rescheduled. This is sometimes due to the query in the dashboard on which it was based. You may need to optimize the dashboard query. For information about writing better queries, see Writing Better Queries. | If LogScale was running fine when the report was scheduled, you might need to optimize the dashboard. For more information, see Writing Better Queries. |
Scheduled report lacked behind and had to be rescheduled | Info | Failure | The scheduled report lagged behind and had to be rescheduled. This is sometimes due to the query in the dashboard on which it was based. You may need to optimize the dashboard query. For information about writing better queries, see Writing Better Queries. | If LogScale was running fine when the report was scheduled, you might need to optimize the dashboard. For more information, see Writing Better Queries. | |
Scheduled report found but it should not run because | Info | Success | A scheduled report was found but it should not run because of the reason stated in the message. | Look at the reason in the message. If it is necessary to fix something, consult the documentation based on the reason. | |
Scheduled report found but it should not run because: | 1.141.0 | Info | Success | A scheduled report was found but it should not run because of the reason stated in the message. | Look at the reason in the message. If it is necessary to fix something, consult the documentation based on the reason. |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the organization is being transferred | Info |
| The organization is being transferred to a new cluster, and scheduled reports are stopped during the transfer process. | If not resolved after 15 minutes, contact Logscale Support for more information. | |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the organization of the scheduled report was deleted | Info |
| The organization for which the scheduled report was created has been deleted. | Recreate the scheduled report for another organization. | |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the scheduled report is assigned to run on node $vhost | Info |
| The scheduled report was assigned to run on a another node in the cluster. | None. This message is informational. | |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the scheduled report was deleted | Info |
| The scheduled report was deleted and will not run. | It is not possible to recover a deleted scheduled report. If you want it to run, you must create the scheduled report again. | |
Scheduled report execution is being stopped, since the view of the scheduled report was deleted | Info |
| The view with which the scheduled report was associated has been deleted and the job cannot run. | Add the scheduled report to another view. | |
Error happened while requesting scheduled report through pdf render service client | LogSeverity.Error | Failure | An error occurred while requesting the scheduled report through the PDF render service client. This can occur for several reasons. |
Look at the message in the
exceptionMessage field and
consult documentation based upon that for possible solutions.
Contact LogScale
Support for assistance if needed.
| |
Successfully initiated pdf report generation through pdf render service client | LogSeverity.Info | Success | The PDF report generation through the PDF render service client was initiated successfully. | None. This message is informational. | |
Scheduled report failed to finish executing. Report will be retried. | 1.140.0 | Warning | Failure | The scheduled report did not finish executing. LogScale will retry the report. | This message may resolve on its own. If the message persists, contact LogScale Support. |
Scheduled report failed to finish executing. Report will be retried | Warning | Failure | The scheduled report did not finish executing. LogScale will retry the report. | This message may resolve on its own. If the message persists, contact LogScale Support. | |
Render service did not respond in a timely fashion. Returning to planned state in order to retry render request | Warning | Failure | The render service did not respond in a reasonable amount of time. LogScale will return the scheduled report job to a planned state in order to retry the render request. | This message may resolve on its own. If it does not resolve after 15 minutes, contact LogScale Support for assistance. |