The upper() function converts text to upper case letters. It can process text from event fields or other sources. By default, it uses the system locale, but it is possible to specify a different language and locale if needed.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
asstringoptional[a] _upper The name of the output field.
field[b]stringrequired   The name of the input field with the value to convert to upper case.
localestringoptional[a] system locale The name of the locale to use as ISO 639 language and an ISO 3166 country (for example, da, or da_DK). When not specified, it uses the system locale.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

[b] The parameter name field can be omitted.

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For the value of type, you can specify just the language, or you can refine that choice by including the country. For instance, you might specify:

  • en for English.

  • en_UK for UK English.

  • en_US for US English.

Specifying the correct locale is particularly important for languages with non-Latin alphabets, such as Russian with Cyrillic letters.

upper() Examples

Click + next to an example below to get the full details.

Format a String to Upper Case and Lower Case

Format a string to upper case and lower case using the upper() and lower() functions with concat()

Perform Formatting on All Values in an Array

Perform formatting on all values in a flat array using the array:eval() function

Standardize Values And Combine Into Single Field

Standardize values using the upper() and lower() functions and combine into single field with concat()