Decodes an integer to its bit-representation and extracts the true bits at specified indices with specified names to a string. The flags are listed in ascending order, from lowest bit to highest bit. If no flags are true, the output field will contain an empty string.

The bits are indexed from 0 and will include up to 64 bits. If the value in the input field is larger, the lowest 64 bits will be used.

If the specified field does not exist, nothing happens. If a field with the name given for the output field already exists, it is overwritten.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
asstringoptional[a] _flags The name of the output field.
fieldstringrequired   The name of the field to be decoded.
flagNamesarray of arrays of stringsrequired   A list of pairs of indices in the bit-representation and the names of the flags that these correspond to.
separatorstringoptional[a] (space) The separator to use between names of true flags.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.


In the flagNames parameter, the indices have to be non-negative numbers below 64. The indices and the names of the flags have to be unique.

Click + next to an example below to get the full details.

Decode and Extract true Bits as Strings - Example 1

Decode and extract true bits as strings using the bitfield:extractFlagsAsString() function

Decode and Extract true Bits as Strings - Example 2

Decode and Extract true bits as strings using the bitfield:extractFlagsAsString() function with a comma separator