Audit Log Event login.bridge.change

Third-party authentication method has been changed

This audit log type records operations for the following features:

Field TypeTypeAvailabilityDescription
actorActorType  Actor, as defined in humio-audit Actor Structure
additionalAttributesOption[String]  Additional attributes
allowedUsersList[String]  Allowed users
descriptionString  Description of the entity of object
generateUserNameOption[Boolean]  Whether to automatically generate a user name
groupAttributeString  Group attribute
groupsList[String]  List of groups included in the configuration
issuerString  Issuer for Login bridge
loginUrlString  Login URL used
nameString  Name of the entity
organizationIdAttributeNameOption[String]  Organization ID attribute name
organizationNameAttributeOption[String]  Organization name
relayStateUrlString  Relay state URL
remoteIdString  Remote ID
samlEntityIdString  SAML entity ID for authentication
sensitiveBoolean  Whether the audited event is marked sensitive
termsDescriptionOption[String]  Description of terms for bridge
termsLinkOption[String]  Link to terms
timestampZonedDateTime  Timestamp of the audited event