Activity Log Event IngestFeed/awsS3Sqs

Event for AWS S3 ingest feed

This activity type records operations for the following features:

Field TypeTypeAvailabilityDescription
#category   Category of the event, such as Alert, Request, IngestFeed, Fdr, Query, Action, and ScheduledSearch
dataspace   Repository or view name
dataspaceId   Dataspace ID
feedName   Feed name of the ingest feed for the event
flow   Only for ingest feed events
@id   Unique identifier for the event. Can be used to refer to and re-find specific events.
ingestFeedId   Ingest feed ID
@ingesttimestamp   Timestamp when the event was ingested to the repository
message   Message of the alert or event
messages   Count of messages generated
orgId   Organization ID
queueUrl   URL of the SQS queue
@rawstring   Original string of the event
#repo   Repository tag of the event indicating where event is stored
sessionId   Session ID
#severity   Severity of the event
subCategory   Subcategory of the event
@timestamp.nanos   Extended precision of timestamp below millisecond
@timezone   Timezone the event originated in, if known. This is often set when the event's timestamp is parsed.