Best Practice: Upgrading a LogScale Cluster


What is the best approach for upgrading a LogScale Cluster to ensure nothing is lost?


The recommended method is to shutdown the entire cluster, upgrade each node in place, and then restart the cluster. This ensures that all nodes are upgraded to the same version at the same time.

The recommended method for upgrading LogScale is:

  1. Confirm the target upgrade version from your current version. Check the Release Notes to identify the compatible upgrade version. Each release always shows the minimum upgrade version.

  2. Shutdown LogScale on each node within your LogScale cluster.

  3. Unless the release notes for your version explicitly recommend a change to your Kafka or ZooKeeper configuration, you do not need to shutdown Kafka and ZooKeeper (the requirement for ZooKeeper was removed in LogScale version 1.108).

  4. Install the new version of LogScale, for example my updating the version of the LogScale JAR or tarball.

  5. Start LogScale on each node.

More information on updating a LogScale cluster see Updating LogScale.