Use Case: A Better Parser with Kubernetes & LogScale

You need an on-premise installation of LogScale. The parser must be configured with repo as a tagging field. It requires the configuration option ALLOW_CHANGE_REPO_ON_EVENTS be set to true, which is why this is not supported by Hosted LogScale.


Figure 16. Lunarway

We're basically just ingesting everything from hg b/var/log/containers/*.log to the container-ingest repo, where I have set up a parser named repo-distributor . Now you can use the parser to ship logs to different repos and do the parsing here. This is so much easier than what we did before, with editing Fluentd configuration files, redeploying these every time we changed the logs, creating multiple repos with ingest tokens, and adding them to specific outputs in Fluentd. Now we just pick everything up, if there's no match in the repo-distributor , logs will stay in this repo, and we can now just forward them to a specific repository without changing anything in the log shipper.

case {
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: Match type=services
  // --------------------------
  k8s.labels.type = "service" 
      // Handle timestamp for different services
      case { = "bec*" 
| parseTimestamp(field=event_time); = "api" 
| parseTimestamp("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", field=timestamp, timezone="UTC");
| parseTimestamp(field=@timestamp);
      // Handle empty message
      case {
        message != * 
| message := log;
      // Handle missing log level
      case {
        level != * 
| level := "unhandled";
      format("[%s] %s", field=[,message], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "microservices";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: Datascience
  // --------------------------
  k8s.namespace_name = datascience 
    format("[%s] %s", field=[,log], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "datascience";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: NGINX Ingress Logs
  // -------------------------- = "nginx-ingress-*" 
    regex("^(?<host>[^ ]*) - \[(?<real_ip>[^ ]*)\] - (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] \"(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?\" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*) \"(?<referer>[^\"]*)\" \"(?<agent>[^\"]*)\" (?<request_length>[^ ]*) (?<request_time>[^ ]*) \[(?<proxy_upstream_name>[^ ]*)\] (?<upstream_addr>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_response_length>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_response_time>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_status>[^ ]*) (?<last>[^$]*)", field=log) 
      format("[%s] %s %s %s", field=[code, method, proxy_upstream_name, path], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "nginx-ingress-logs";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: Kubernetes logs
  // --------------------------
  k8s.namespace_name = "kube-system" AND k8s.pod_name != weave-net* 
      format("[%s] %s", field=[k8s.pod_name,log], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "kubernetes-temp";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: Weave-net logs
  // --------------------------
  k8s.namespace_name = "kube-system" AND k8s.pod_name = weave-net* 
      format("[%s/%s] %s", field=[,k8s.pod_name,log], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "weave-net";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: OAuth2
  // --------------------------
   "flb-key" = *oauth2* 
    regex("^(?<host>.*) - (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<ts>.*)\] (?<url>[^ ]*) (?<method>[^ ]*) (?<upstream>[^ ]*) \"(?<path>[^ ]*)\" (?<protocol>[^ ]*) \"(?<browser>.*)\" (?<status_code>[^ ]*)", field=log) 
      format("[%s/%s] [%s] %s %s %s ", field=[,user,status_code,method, url, path], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "oauth2";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: RabbitMQ
  // -------------------------- = "rabbitmq" 
| regex(regex="(?<ts>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}) \[(?<level>\w+)\] <(?<erlang_process_id>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)> (?<message>.*)", field=log) 
    parseTimestamp("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", field=ts, timezone="UTC") 
      format("[%s] %s ", field=[k8s.pod_name,message], as="@rawstring") 
      repo := "rabbitmq";
  // --------------------------
  // CASE: Match all other events
  // --------------------------
| repo := "container-ingest";

It's great to be able to look at the container-ingest repo, and just easily reformat and ship specific logs to specific repos based on function or retention requirements.

We are currently doing a lot of things in the repo-distributor parser, but I was thinking to add specific labels in Kubernetes either selecting a specific format (e.g. case in the parser) or maybe a specific format or regex to be used in the parser as an annotation in the Kubernetes deployment.

For more information, see the Kubernetes Log Format documentation.

This use case is a community submission from Kasper Nissen, Cloud Architect / Site Reliability Engineer @ LUNAR.