This query function may be used to select events in which the given field contains particular values. For instance, you might want to monitor events in which log messages contain error, warning, or other similar words in log entries, or perhaps particular numeric values in other fields.
Although this query function allows for only three parameters, it is very useful and versatile. For the first parameter, you would specify the field on which to filter data. The second parameter sets whether the search should be case-insensitive. The third parameter would be the string or multiple strings on which to match the contents of the field.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
field [a] | string | required | The field on which to filter events. | |
ignoreCase | string | optional[b] | false | Allows for case-insensitive searching. |
values | array of strings | required | The values on which to match the field. Only one match is required. Values can contain wildcards (for example, * ). | |
[b] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set. |
Hide omitted argument names for this function
Omitted Argument NamesThe argument name for
can be omitted; the following forms of this function are equivalent:logscale Syntaxin("value",values=["value"])
logscale Syntaxin(field="value",values=["value"])
These examples show basic structure only.
Hide negatable operation for this function
Negatable Function OperationThis function is negatable, implying the inverse of the result. For example:
logscale Syntax!in()
logscale Syntaxnot in()
For more information, see Negating the Result of Filter Functions.
Suppose you have a repository which is ingesting data from a few web servers. And suppose that you want to get a list of events in which the user received the HTTP code 404, for web pages Not Found. You could do that easily with this query:
status = 404
As this suggests, the field on which to check is status.
Suppose further that you want to get a list of events in which
the user received the HTTP codes 422
and 200. Those codes represent
respectively Unable to be processed,
and Successful. You could get those
events with the in()
function like so:
in(status, values=["422","200"])
Using the status field for the first parameter; for the second parameter, the two statuses are listed, separated by commas, within an array — within square-brackets. Incidentally, if you wanted to include string values instead of numbers, each string value would have to be contained within double-quotes.
The screenshot in
Figure 110, “in()
Example” below shows how
this would look in the LogScale interface.
![]() |
Figure 110. in()
There are a few other HTTP codes related to errors besides
these two. You could list all of them in the array, or you
could add the wildcard (for example,
) like this:
in(status, values=["4*"])
This will return all events in which the status has a value starting with 4. Notice that even though only one value is given, you have to include the square-brackets. Also, notice that since the wildcard is used, the double-quotes is required.
Using the field
parameter in addition
to the =~
in(field=loglevel, values=["ERROR", "WARN"])
Negating an in()
!in(field=loglevel, values=["ERROR", "WARN"])
loglevel =~ !in(values=["ERROR", "WARN"])
next to an example below to get the full details.Categorize Errors in Log Levels
Categorize errors in log levels using the in()
function in combination with if()
critical_status := if((in(status, values=["500", "404"])), then="Critical", else="Non-Critical")
In this more advanced example, the
function is used to categorize errors
based on a time condition and it compares the status of a log
level and decides on the log's criticality. The field
critical_status is going
to be evaluated based on the if()
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
critical_status := if((in(status, values=["500", "404"])), then="Critical", else="Non-Critical")
Searches for events where the field status contains the values
and assigns the valueCritical
to a field named critical_status for the returned results. If the values are not equal to500
, then the returned events will have the valueNon-Critical
assigned to the field critical_status. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to categorize errors in log levels according to their criticality.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user | critical_status |
---|---|---|---|---| | ERROR | 404 | admin | Critical | | INFO | 200 | user1 | Non-Critical | | WARN | 422 | user2 | Non-Critical | | ERROR | 500 | admin | Critical | | DEBUG | 302 | user1 | NonCritical |
Categorize Events Based on Values in More Fields
Categorize events based on values across multiple fields - the example uses a combination of in()
with case
, match()
, and if()
case { in(srcIP, values=["192.168.1.*"])
| type := "Internal"; !in(loglevel, values=["DEBUG", "INFO"])
| type := "Critical";
| type := "Other" }
In this more advanced example, a
case statement is used to categorize events based on the fields
srcIP and
loglevel, using both
and negated in()
Notice that the semi-colon is used to end the different logical
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
case { in(srcIP, values=["192.168.1.*"]) | type := "Internal"; !in(loglevel, values=["DEBUG", "INFO"]) | type := "Critical"; | type := "Other" }
Returns all events with values starting with
followed by anything in the scrIP field and then creates a new field named type with the assigned valueInternal
for the returned results. Notice that since the wildcard is used, the double-quotes is required.Next, the query searches for events where the field loglevel does not contain the values
and assigns the valueCritical
to the returned results in the type field. For anything else, it sets the value in the type field toOther
.In this example,
will therefore be set toOther
. The above case statement can also be expressed like this: If the sourceIP equals the value192.168.1.*
followed by anything, then identify the type field asInternal
. If it is not equal to the loglevel of debug or info, then identify the type field asCritical
. If it does not match either of the above, identify the type field asOther
. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to to categorize events and define their type.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user | type |
---|---|---|---|---| | ERROR | 404 | admin | Internal | | INFO | 200 | user1 | Other | | WARN | 422 | user2 | Critical | | ERROR | 500 | admin | Internal | | DEBUG | 302 | user1 | Other |
Differentiate Between Types of Log Levels
Differentiate between types of log levels using the in()
function with the match expression
loglevel match { /.*ERROR.*/ => severity := "High"; in(values=["DEBUG", "INFO"]) => severity := "Low"; => severity := "Medium" }
In this more advanced example, we match against the loglevel using the match filter statement. Notice that the semi-colon is used to end the different logical expressions.
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
loglevel match { /.*ERROR.*/ => severity := "High"; in(values=["DEBUG", "INFO"]) => severity := "Low"; => severity := "Medium" }
Matches all log levels which have the value/word
inside their dataset and creates a new field named severity with the assigned valueHigh
for the returned results/matches.Then it matches events with the values
and assigns the valueLow
to the returned results in the severity field. If the severity field does not exist, it will create it, if the severity field does exist, it will overwrite the value of the field. For anything else, it sets the value in the severity field toMedium
.In this example, a loglevel like
will therefore be set toMedium
.Notice the use of double-quotes around the values to right of the assignment operator, if not used, it will be interpreted as a field and not a string.
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to differentiate between types of log levels.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user | severity |
---|---|---|---|---| | ERROR | 404 | admin | High | | INFO | 200 | user1 | Low | | WARN | 422 | user2 | Medium | | ERROR | 500 | admin | High | | DEBUG | 302 | user1 | Low |
Exclude Events With Specific Values From Searches
Exclude events with specific values from searches using the negated function in()
!in(loglevel, values=["ERROR", "WARN"])
It is
possible to exclude events with specific values using the
function with a negation in front. In
this example, events will be excluded from the search result if
the loglevel field
contains the values ERROR
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
!in(loglevel, values=["ERROR", "WARN"])
Returns all events in which the loglevel field does not contain the value
. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to exclude events with specific values from search results.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user |
---|---|---|---| | INFO | 200 | user1 | | DEBUG | 302 | user1 |
Filter on a Single Field for One Specific Value
Filter the events using a single field matching a specific value
status = 404
In this example we want a list of events in which the user
received the HTTP code 404
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
status = 404
Filters for all events with the value
in the status field. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to search a single field for one specific value. In this example, it selects logs with a specific HTTP status.
Perform Case-Insensitive Match on Field
Perform a case-insensitive match on field using in()
in(loglevel, ignoreCase=true, values=["error", "warn"])
It is
possible to perform case-insensitive searches on a field using the
function. In this example, the
loglevel field is searched
for occurrences of either
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
in(loglevel, ignoreCase=true, values=["error", "warn"])
Returns all events in which the loglevel field has the value
. As it is case-insensitive, it returns all occurences of the specified values in all their variants, regardless of the case. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to perform case-insensitive searches on a specific value in a given field. This is useful when searching for strings where values may appear in both both upper and lower case to ensure that all events are extracted.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user |
---|---|---|---| | ERROR | 404 | admin | | WARN | 422 | user2 | | ERROR | 500 | admin |
Search Single Field for Multiple Values
Search single field for multiple values using the in()
in(status, values=["404","422"])
In this
example, the in()
function is used to search
for events in which the user received the HTTP codes
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
in(status, values=["404","422"])
Searches for events with the values
in the status field. If you want to search for all values starting with 4, it is possible to just use the queryin(status, values=["4*"])
- here it is important to remember the double-quotes because of the wildcard usage. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to search a single field for specific values.
This is useful when monitoring events in which log messages
contain error, warning, or other similar words in log entries,
or perhaps specific numeric values in other fields. In this
example, it selects logs with specific HTTP statuses. If you
just want to search a single field for one specific value, use
this query: status = 404
instead of the
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user |
---|---|---|---| | ERROR | 404 | admin | | WARN | 422 | user2 |
Search Status Field for All Status Codes Starting With "1" or "2"
Use a wildcard with in()
to select all status codes starting with 1
or 2
in(status, values=["1*", "2*"])
It is
possible to use wildcards with the in()
function to select for example all status codes starting with "1"
or "2". Notice that ""
be used around the *
Example incoming data might look like this:
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1 |
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2 |
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin |
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1 |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
in(status, values=["1*", "2*"])
Returns all events in which the status has a value starting with either
. Notice that since the wildcard is used, the double-quotes is required. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to search status field for status codes starting with a given integer.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
srcIP | loglevel | status | user |
---|---|---|---| | INFO | 200 | user1 |
Search Two Fields for Multiple Values in Either First Field or Second Field
Search two fields for multiple values using the in()
function, using a case statement as an OR
{ in(srcIP, values=["", ""]);
in(targetIP, values=["", ""]); }
In this example, the query will look for events in either the srcIP field or the targetIP.
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
case { in(srcIP, values=["", ""]); in(targetIP, values=["", ""]); }
Filters for events in the srcIP field that contains the values
and filters for events in the targetIP field that contains the values10.0.0.1
. The returned results would be events from both fields. Notice that because it is a case statement, it executes and returns whether either field contains the corresponding values in the array. Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to query two fields for multiple/specific values in either first field or second field.