Categorize Events Based on Values in More Fields

Categorize events based on values across multiple fields - the example uses a combination of in() with case, match(), and if()


case {     in(srcIP, values=["192.168.1.*"])
| type := "Internal";     !in(loglevel, values=["DEBUG", "INFO"])
| type := "Critical";
| type := "Other" }


The in() function can be used to select events in which the given field contains specific values. It is possible to combine the in() with a case statement to categorize events.

In this more advanced example, a case statement is used to categorize events based on the fields srcIP and loglevel, using both in() and negated in(). Notice that the semi-colon is used to end the different logical expressions.

Example incoming data might look like this:

Raw Events
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=404 user=admin
srcIP= loglevel=INFO status=200 user=user1
srcIP= loglevel=WARN status=422 user=user2
srcIP= loglevel=ERROR status=500 user=admin
srcIP= loglevel=DEBUG status=302 user=user1


  1. Starting with the source repository events.

  2. flowchart LR; %%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% repo{{Events}} 0[/Filter/] result{{Result Set}} repo --> 0 0 --> result style 0 fill:#ff0000,stroke-width:4px,stroke:#000;
    case {     in(srcIP, values=["192.168.1.*"])
    | type := "Internal";     !in(loglevel, values=["DEBUG", "INFO"])
    | type := "Critical";
    | type := "Other" }

    Returns all events with values starting with 192.168.1.* followed by anything in the scrIP field and then creates a new field named type with the assigned value Internal for the returned results. Notice that since the wildcard is used, the double-quotes is required.

    Next, the query searches for events where the field loglevel does not contain the values DEBUG or INFO and assigns the value Critical to the returned results in the type field. For anything else, it sets the value in the type field to Other.

    In this example, INFO and DEBUG will therefore be set to Other. The above case statement can also be expressed like this: If the sourceIP equals the value 192.168.1.* followed by anything, then identify the type field as Internal. If it is not equal to the loglevel of debug or info, then identify the type field as Critical. If it does not match either of the above, identify the type field as Other.

  3. Event Result set.

Summary and Results

The query is used to to categorize events and define their type.

Sample output from the incoming example data:
