Action Type: Email

Email Action sends messages as emails. This action will send a styled email with the most important aspects of an alarm, including a hyperlink back to LogScale with the result. Email delivery services integrated with LogScale such as Postmark are supported, see Email Configuration for further details.

Configuring Email Action

Figure 203. Configuring Email Action

Parameter Description
Name The name provided for the email action.
Recipients A comma-separated list of email addresses.
Attach results as a CSV file The results of the query that triggered the email will be attached as a CSV to the email,with a limit of 5MB. If the file exceeds this limit, results are truncated and an error.txt attachment is also sent where the number of events being truncated is specified.
Use custom email subject When selected, will open a dialog where the subject title can be edited. Variables can be used according to the Message Templates and Variables markup.
Use custom email template When selected, will open a dialog where the subject body can be edited. Variables can be used according to the Message Templates and Variables markup. Custom Email templates are only available for licensed customers.