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Sample Event Streams - Example 1
Sample events keeping only specified percentage of the events using the sample() function
Event sampling can be used to determine the characteristics of a
large set of data without processing every event. In this example,
the sample() function is used to keep
2% of the events. If used as part of a query,
these randomly selected events are passed to the next stage of the
Starting with the source repository events.
Samples events keeping only 2% of the events.
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to sample events keeping only specified percentage of
the events. Event sampling can be used to determine the characteristics
of a large set of data without processing every event. Sampling is
useful in, for example, survey analysis making it possible to draw
conclusions without surveying all events. Sampling can also be used to
filter on both frequently and infrequently occurring events.
Sample Event Streams - example 2
Sample events keeping only specified percentage of the events and sort by host using the sample() function with groupBy() and sort()
Event sampling can be used to determine the characteristics of a
large set of data without processing every event. In this example,
the sample() function is used to keep
0.1% of the events and find the most common
hosts among the sampled events.
Starting with the source repository events.
Samples events keeping only 0.1% of the events. These
randomly selected events are passed to the next stage of the query.
Groups the sampled events by the
host field.
The advantage of sampling events before grouping them is, that it
allows for analysis of common patterns without hitting
groupBy() limits.
Sorts the returned results by their host to find the most common host
(by default, in descending order of count).
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to sample events keeping only specified percentage of
the events, and then find the most common host among the sampled events.
Event sampling can be used to determine the characteristics of a large
set of data without processing every event. Sampling is useful in for
example survey analysis making it possible to draw conclusions without
surveying all events. Sampling can also be used to filter on both
frequently and infrequently occurring events.