Computes a non-cryptographic hash of a list of fields. The hash is returned as an integer in the range [0,4294967295]. Calling this function with the same values and the same seed (or no seed) will result in the same hash being computed. This hash is not cryptographic and should not be used to securely obscure data (instead use hashRewrite() and hashMatch() for that). This function can, for example, be used to reduce the number of groups in a groupBy(), at the cost of having collisions.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
asstringoptional[a] _hash The output name of the field to set.
field[b]array of stringsrequired   The fields for which to compute hash values.
limitnumberoptional[a]   An upper bound on the number returned by this function. The returned hash will be modulo this value and thus be constrained to the range [0,limit].
seedstringoptional[a]   An optional seed for the hash function.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

[b] The parameter name field can be omitted.

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hash()Syntax Examples

Hash the field a and put the result into _hash:


Hash the fields a, b, and c and put the result modulo 10 into _hash

hash([a,b,c], limit=10)

Hash the field a (by setting field explicitly) using a seed of 10

hash(field=[a], seed=10)

Group events into 10 buckets such that all events with the same value of a ends in the same bucket.

hash(a, limit=10)
| groupBy(_hash)

hash() Examples

Click + next to an example below to get the full details.

MD5 Hash Multiple Fields

MD5 hash multiple fields using the crypto:md5() function

MD5 Hash a Field With a Given Value

MD5 hash a field with a given value using the crypto:md5() function

SHA-1 Hash Multiple Fields

SHA-1 hash multiple fields using the crypto:sha1() function

SHA-1 Hash a Field With a Given Value

SHA-1 hash a field with a given value using the crypto:sha1() function

SHA-256 Hash Multiple Fields

SHA-256 hash multiple fields using the crypto:sha256() function

SHA-256 Hash a Field With a Given Value

SHA-256 hash a field with a given value using the crypto:sha256() function