Joins two LogScale searches. When joining two searches, you need to define the keys/fields that are used to match up results. This is done using the field=name or field=[name,name,...] parameter. If you want to join on a single field name, you can use the syntax

fieldName =~ join(...)

to specify the field.

If the subquery has a different field that you want to match against, then use the parameter key=[name1,name2,...] to designate the names of keys inside the subquery. The value of keys defaults to the value of field.

join() is a filter function which in the default mode=inner lets the events through that match on the join keys. If you specify mode=left then events that do not match the join key(s) will also be let through.

If you specify include=[field, field, ...] then those fields are extracted from the result of the subquery, and added to matching events. For events in the subquery that do not have one or more of the named include fields, the output will be the empty string.

Using the parameter max=N (which defaults to max=1) you can specify how many rows/events are picked up in the subquery. If a subquery has multiple events with the same join key, then up to max rows are emitted.

You can use the parameters start and end to specify an alternative time interval for the query. The parameter view can be used to direct the subquery to run in a different repository or view, and the live=true|false parameter can be used to control if the subquery runs as a live query. The defaults for all these parameters are inherited from the main query containing the join(...) usage.

The join() function also has a concept of a maximum size of the resultset of the inner query specified with the limit=100000 parameter.


The join() function does two passes over the data and can therefore not run truly live.

When used in a live query, the query will be run in a repeated mode instead, in which the server chooses the repetition interval based on the resources used by the function.

This can impact the liveness of the query, in that long-running repeated queries can be throttled, and thus be less live than expected.

endstringoptional[a]End of main query Specifies either the timestamp relative to the main query's end (e.g. end=2h will be two hours before the end of the main query) or an absolute timestamp in milliseconds since UTC.
fieldArray of stringsrequired  Specifies which field in the event (log line) must match the given column value.
includeArray of stringsoptional[a]none Specifies columns to include from the subquery.
keyArray of stringsoptional[a]  Specifies which fields of the subquery to join on. Defaults to the value of the field parameter.
limitnumberoptional[a]100000 Specifies the maximum number of rows in the subquery.
livebooleanoptional[a]Same as main query Control if the subquery runs as live or static query.
maxintegeroptional[a]1 Maximum number of events found in subquery if several share join key.
modestringoptional[a]inner Specifies the mode (inner or left) of the join.
   Valid Values
   innerPerform an inner join; return only results that match in both queries
   leftPerform a left join, all values from the parent query are included, matched to any corresponding events in subquery.
query[b]Functionrequired  The subquery to execute producing the values to join with.
repostringoptional[a]Repo of main query Specify which view/repo in which to perform the subquery.
startstringoptional[a]Start of main query Specifies either the timestamp relative to the main query's end (e.g. start=2h will be two hours before the end of the main query) or an absolute timestamp in milliseconds since UTC.
viewstringoptional[a]View of main query Specify which view/repo in which to perform the subquery.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set

[b] The argument name query can be omitted.

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Find some examples at Query Joins section.