List URLs Not Found


statuscode = "404"
| top(url, limit=20)


You want to get a list of URLs that users attempted to view, but the web server could not find them.


  1. Starting with the source repository events.

  2. flowchart LR; %%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% repo{{Events}} 0[/Filter/] 1[/Filter/] result{{Result Set}} repo --> 0 0 --> 1 1 --> result style 0 fill:#ff0000,stroke-width:4px,stroke:#000;
    statuscode = "404"

    Filters only events in which the statuscode is 404: that is the HTTP code which indicates that the requested URL was not found.

  3. flowchart LR; %%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% repo{{Events}} 0[/Filter/] 1[/Filter/] result{{Result Set}} repo --> 0 0 --> 1 1 --> result style 1 fill:#ff0000,stroke-width:4px,stroke:#000;
    | top(url, limit=20)

    Pipe the events to the top() function to group the results on the value of the urlurl field and to list the top twenty.

  4. Event Result set.

Summary and Results

The results show a few attempts to access pages like wp-login.php and similar pages. These are attempts to log into WordPress, Drupal, and other content management systems. Since this particular web server does not use a CMS, these pages don't exist on the server and are indications of failed hacker attempts.
