Create New Fields

Create new fields by evaluating the provided expression using the eval() function


eval(c = a + b)


The eval() function can be used to create new fields based on an expression.

In this example, the eval() function is used to add the fields a and b together, creating a new field c containing the results.


  1. Starting with the source repository events.

  2. flowchart LR; %%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% repo{{Events}} 0[\Add Field/] result{{Result Set}} repo --> 0 0 --> result style 0 fill:#ff0000,stroke-width:4px,stroke:#000;
    eval(c = a + b)

    Adds the values of field a and field b together and returns the sum of these in a new field named c.

  3. Event Result set.

Summary and Results

The query is used to create a new field containing the sum of two other fields. In case the field c already existed, it would just be modified with the new value. The eval() function is useful when testing and debugging. You can for example use it to test a complex function or expression with different inputs and quickly check the output in the returned values.