Concatenate Values From Two Nested Array Elements

Concatenate values from two nested array elements returning output in flat array


flowchart LR; %%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% repo{{Events}} 0[\Add Field/] result{{Result Set}} repo --> 0 0 --> result
objectArray:eval("arr[]", var=x, function={_mapped := concat([x.a, x.b])}, asArray="_mapped[]")


The objectArray:eval() function is a structured array query function that follows normal array syntax. The array syntax is similar to the one used by JSON, where [ and ] are used for indexing and . for selecting members in objects. For more information, see Array Syntax. The objectArray:eval() function operates on arrays of objects.

In this example, the objectArray:eval() function is used with the variable x to concatenate the values a and b from each array element. The concat() function is used to return the concatenated output into a new array.

Example incoming data might look like this:

arr[0]: machine
arr[0].a: a0
arr[0].b: b0
arr[1].a: a1
arr[1].b: b1
arr[1].c: c1
arr[2].a: a2
arr[4].b: b2
other: abc


  1. Starting with the source repository events.

  2. flowchart LR; %%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% repo{{Events}} 0[\Add Field/] result{{Result Set}} repo --> 0 0 --> result style 0 fill:#ff0000,stroke-width:4px,stroke:#000;
    objectArray:eval("arr[]", var=x, function={_mapped := concat([x.a, x.b])}, asArray="_mapped[]")

    Concatenates the values a and b from each array element and returns the results in a new array named _mapped. In this example, objectArray:eval() iterates over each element of the array and assigns each element to the variable x which is then used as an alias. The new field _mapped is created by concatenating the value using the alias x to extract each object value from each element of the array. Notice that the output in this example is a flat array.

    For example, this array element:

    arr[0].a: a0
    arr[0].b: b0

    is translated to:

    _mapped[0]: a0b0
  3. Event Result set.

Summary and Results

The query is used to concatenate values of two array elements.

Sample output from the incoming example data, the original values have not been removed:

_mapped[0]: a0b0
_mapped[1]: a1b1
_mapped[2]: a2
_mapped[3]: b2

arr[0]: machine

arr[0].a: a0
arr[0].b: b0

arr[1].a: a1
arr[1].b: b1

arr[1].c: c1

arr[2].a: a2

arr[4].b: b2

other: abc