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EXPERIMENTAL. Calculates percentiles over numbers. Returns one event with a field for each of the percentiles specified in the percentiles parameter. Fields are named like by appending _ (underscore) to the values specified in the percentiles parameter. For example the event could contain the fields _50, _75 and _99. Input can be a number OR the special format for the moment sketch "[min,max,Σv⁰,Σv¹,Σ,²,...]" used for client-side computed sketches.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
asstringoptional[a]  Prefix of output fields.
field[b]stringrequired  Specifies the field for which to calculate percentiles. The field must contain numbers.
knumberoptional[a]5 Specifies the order of the underlying polynomial.
percentilesnumberoptional[a][50, 75, 99] Specifies which percentiles to calculate.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

[b] The argument name field can be omitted.

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moment() Examples

Calculate 50,75,99, and 99.9 percentiles for events with the field responsetime:

percentile(field=responsetime, percentiles=[50, 75, 99, 99.9])

In a timechart, calculate percentiles for both of the fields r1 and r2:
