The sort() query function is used to sorts events based on a given field — or fields. Events can be sorted by multiple fields by setting the field parameter to an array of field names (i.e., between square-brackets in a comma-separated list). Likewise, the order and type of each field can be specified by setting the order and type parameters to arrays.

field[a]Array of stringsoptional[b]_count The fields by which to sort events.
limitintegeroptional[b]200 The maximum number of events included in results.
  Maximum20,000The default maximum limit is not static and can be changed by setting the StateRowLimit dynamic configuration.
orderArray of stringsoptional[b]desc The order in which to sort.
   Valid Values
   ascSort ascending
   descSort descending
reverse (deprecated)booleanoptional[b]false Whether to sort in descending order. This parameter is deprecated: use order instead. (deprecated in 1.100.0)
   Valid Values
   falseSort ascending
   trueSort descending
typeArray of stringsoptional[b]number Set the data type of the fields to influence the sorting order.
   Valid Values
   hexTreat the field as a hexadecimal value and sort in numerical order
   numberTreat the field as numerical and sort in numerical order
   stringTreat the field as string values and sort alphabetical

[a] The argument name field can be omitted.

[b] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set

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If the order or type parameter is a single value, all fields are sorted with the same order or type.

Setting the type field tells sort() how to compare the individual values, either using lexicographical order (i.e., string), numerical magnitude (i.e., number, hex), or automatically based on the first value it finds (i.e., any). The hex argument supports numbers as strings starting with either 0x, 0X, or no prefix.


Sorting is performed in memory. For optimum performance avoid sorting large numbers of events. Perform filtering first and sort the results, or use aggregation to simplify the event list before sorting. Putting sort() last in a query, after an aggregating function will offer the best performance.

sort() Examples

As an example, suppose you have LogScale ingesting data from a web server and want to get a list of referring domains and sub-domains. That is to say, the URLs without the path and web page from which it came (e.g., just from Suppose further that you want a count of each referrer and want to sort them alphabetically in reverse order — because we're fickle like that. Below is an example of how that might be done:

| $)", field=referrer)
| groupby(ref_url)
| sort(ref_url, type=string, order=desc, limit=12)

In the first line here, we're using the regex() function to extract just the first part of the URL, dropping everything after the domain and first slash. On the second line we're using groupBy() to group on each referrer (i.e., ref_url) and counting them. If we hadn't stripped out the base URL from the first line, we might have multiple entries for each domain. See the regex() and groupBy() reference pages for more information on those query functions.

In the third line of the query above, notice the parameters for the sort() function. First is the new field ref_url we created in the first line, then type parameter to specify the values sorted may include characters or numbers. The second is how to order the results: in this case, in descending order. Last is the limit parameter to limit the results to the first twelve in the sorted list of results. The table below shows the results.


To sort events by ascending or descending value, use the order parameter, for example:

| sort(ref_url, type=string, order=asc, limit=12)

The output has been ordered using a string based (i.e. alphabetical) sorting method.

The limit parameter to sort() limits the number of rows returned by the function after the sort has been completed. For example, to sort metrics by the repository name and then output the top entry:


The above query works by sorting the grouped counts (in the _count field), explicitly setting the type to number and then sorting by high to lowest (descending order).

To sort events by ascending or descending value, use the order parameter, for example:

| sort(ref_url, type=string, order=desc, limit=12)

When using multiple fields, supply a corresponding array to order parameter as the field parameter, for example:

| sort([ref_url,method], type=string, order=[desc,asc], limit=12)