This function is considered experimental and under active development and should not be used in production.
The function must be enabled using the feature flag ArrayFunctions. See Enabling & Disabling Feature Flags.
Determines the set union of array values over input events.
Used to compute the values that occur in any of the events supplied to this function. The output order of the values is not defined. If no arrays are found, the output is empty.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
array [a] | string | required | The prefix of the array in LogScale, for example, for events with fields incidents[0], incidents[1], ... this would be incidents . | |
as | string | optional[b] | _union | The name of the output array. |
[b] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set. |
Hide omitted argument names for this function
Omitted Argument NamesThe argument name for
can be omitted; the following forms of this function are equivalent:logscale Syntaxarray:union("value")
logscale Syntaxarray:union(array="value")
These examples show basic structure only.
next to an example below to get the full details.Deduplicate Compound Field Data With array:union()
and split()
splitString(field=userAgent,by=" ",as=agents)
|array:filter(array="agents[]", function={bname=/\//}, var="bname")
| split(browsers)
Deduplicating fields of information where there are multiple
occurences of a value in a single field, maybe separated by a
single character can be achieved in a variety of ways. This
solution uses array:union()
create a unique array and then split
the content out to a unique list.
For example, when examining the humio and looking
for the browsers or user agents that have used your instance,
the UserAgent
data will
contain the browser and toolkits used to support them, for
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 |
The actual names are the
pairs showing
compatibility with different browser standards. Resolving this
into a simplified list requires splitting up the list,
simplifying (to remove duplicates), filtering, and then
summarizing the final list.
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
splitString(field=userAgent,by=" ",as=agents)
First we split up the userAgent field using a call to
and place the output into the array field agentsThis will create individual array entries into the agents array for each event:
agents[0] agents[1] agents[2] agents[3] agents[4] agents[5] agents[6] agents[7] agents[8] agents[9] agents[10] agents[11] agents[12] Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 - logscale
|array:filter(array="agents[]", function={bname=/\//}, var="bname")
- logscale
we aggregate the list of user agents across all the events to create a list of unique entries. This will eliminate duplicates where the value of the user agent is the same value.The event data now looks like this:
browsers[0] browsers[1] browsers[2] Gecko/20100101 Safari/537.36 AppleWebKit/605.1.15 An array of the individual values.
- logscale
| split(browsers)
Using the
will split the array into individual events, turning:browsers[0] browsers[1] browsers[2] Gecko/20100101 Safari/537.36 AppleWebKit/605.1.15 into:
_index row[1] 0 Gecko/20100101 1 Safari/537.36 2 AppleWebKit/605.1.15 Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The resulting output from the query is a list of events with each event containing a matching _index and browser. This can be useful if you want to perform further processing on a list of events rather than an array of values.
Find Union of Array Over multiple Events
Find union of an array over multiple events using the array:union()
array:union(mailto, as=unique_mails)
Arrays are handy when you want to work with multiple values of
the same data type. The array:union()
function is used to find distinct values of an array over
multiple events. One important feature of UNION is, that it
removes duplicate rows from the combined data meaning if there
are repetitions, then only one element occurrence should be in
the union.
Example incoming data might look like this:
mailto[0] | mailto[1] |
---|---| | | |
Starting with the source repository events.
- logscale
array:union(mailto, as=unique_mails)
Searches in the mailto array across multiple events and returns the union of element values in a new array, where the unique emails will appear only once. In this case creating a unique list of email addresses in a single array.
Event Result set.
Summary and Results
The query is used to search for and eliminate duplicates of e-mail addresses in arrays/combined datasets.
Sample output from the incoming example data:
unique_mails[0] | unique_mails[1] |
---|---| | |