Deprecated:Deprecated in Query Context

Deprecated when used in query context, meant for use in parsers only. For uses in queries please use the lower() function. Lower-cases the contents of either or both of the field names or values of a string field.

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
field[a]array of stringsrequired   The name of the input field or fields (in []) to lowercase. Use the special value as the only field * for ALL fields. When in this mode only the lower-cased fields remain.
includestringoptional[b] values What to lowercase.
   Valid Values
   bothConvert both the values and field names to lowercase
   fieldsConvert the field names to lowercase
   valuesConvert the values of the fields to lowercase
localestringoptional[b]   The name of the locale to use, as ISO 639 language and an optional ISO 3166 country, such as da, da_DK or en_US. When not specified, uses the system locale.

[a] The parameter name field can be omitted.

[b] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

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lowercase() Syntax Examples

With an event with a field Bar=CONTENTS, you get contents in the Bar field:


With an event with a field BAR=CONTENTS, you get CONTENTS in the bar field, while BAR is still CONTENTS.

lowercase("BaR", include="value")

With an event with a field BAR=CONTENTS, you get contents in the bar field, while BAR is still CONTENTS.

lowercase(field=["foo","bar"], include="both")

With an event with a field BAR=CONTENTS, you get contents in the bar field, while BAR is no longer present.

lowercase(field="*", include="both")