Event Forwarders

Security Requirements and Controls

Event forwarders are owned by an organization and can be shared by repositories in that organization. You can manage event forwarders from the Event Forwarder Page, which allows you to create, edit and delete Event Forwarders.


You need root access to perform these actions, see Root Access for more information.

Event Forwarder UI

Figure 83. Event Forwarder UI

Configuring Event Forwarders

  • Go to the account icon and select Organization Settings.

  • Click New event forwarder, a pop-up will open.

    Event Forwarder Details

    Figure 84. Event Forwarder Details

  • Specify the following fields:

    • Name — The name of your event forwarder.

    • Description (optional) — This is optional but allows you to specify a description of your event forwarder which may be useful when the event forwarder is shared.

    • Topic — Specify a name for a new topic and then this topic will be created on the Kafka cluster or provide the name of topic that has already been created on the Kafka cluster.

    • Properties — Specify the properties to configure the Kafka producer. You will need to specify at least the bootstrap.servers property.

  • (optional) Deselect the Enable event forwarder checkbox to disable the forwarder.

  • (optional) Click Test event forwarder to test the configuration.

  • Click Create event forwarder to create the forwarder.

Editing and Deleting Event Forwarders

You can edit and delete event forwarders from this page.


You can not delete event forwarders which have event forwarding rules associated to them, you will need to remove them from these event forwarding rules first. If you attempt to delete an event forwarder, with rules attached, you will receive an error containing the event forwarding rules that are using the event forwarder.

  • Go to the account icon and select Organization Settings.

  • Click the three dots next to the Event Forwarder you want to edit or delete.

    Edit/Delete Event Forwarder

    Figure 85. Edit/Delete Event Forwarder

  • If you are editing a forwarder click Save changes to save the changes, if you are attempting to delete you must confirm the operation on the pop-up.

Event Forwarder APIs

See GraphQL API for more information on our APIs. You can use the following queries for event forwarders:

  • eventForwarders()

You can also use the following mutations:

The mutation testKafkaEventForwarder() is used to test that LogScale can connect to the configured event forwarder.


You need to have root access to use this API, see Root Access for more information.

Kafka Configuration

To configure an event forwarder, you need to specify the Kafka topic as well as the properties for the Kafka producer. You will need to specify at least the bootstrap.servers property.

Below are some example properties:


You will have to setup the Kafka server and create the topic yourself, LogScale will only configure a Kafka producer to send messages to the topic.


If you use the same Kafka server(s) for event forwarding as you use for LogScale, you need to make sure that it has enough resources, otherwise, LogScale performance will be degraded.