Install LogScale Collector on macOS - Custom

This procedure describes how to perform a custom installation of the LogScale Collector on a macOS.

  1. Download the LogScale Collector as described in Download LogScale Collector - Custom or using the command-line, see Download Installers from the Command-line.

  2. Double click the installer.

  3. You can use the following command to run and enroll your Log Collector in Managing Your Fleet and specify the enrollment token.


    Create a valid configuration before running the LogScale Collector, see Configure LogScale Collector for more information.

    $ sudo logscale-collector enroll enrolltoken

    If you want to manage your configuration manually you must follow the steps described in, Running LogScale Collector Manually on macOS


    Errors and warnings are logged to /var/log/logscale-collector/main.log

Running LogScale Collector Manually on macOS

The following procedures describe how to perform a set of optional manual steps, which allow you to:

Running the LogScale Collector from Command Line


Create a valid configuration before running the LogScale Collector, see Configure LogScale Collector for more information.

You can manually run Falcon LogScale Collector on macOS, this procedure is required if you do not want to enroll your LogScale Collector in Managing Your Fleet.

$ logscale-collector -cfg /usr/local/etc/logscale-collector/config.yaml
Running LogScale Collector as a LaunchDeamon (service)


Create a valid configuration before running the LogScale Collector, see Configure LogScale Collector for more information.

You can run the following command to automatically starts the LogScale Collector as LaunchDaemon (background service).

$  sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crowdstrike.logscale-collector.plist