Sources & Examples

The following sections details the specific configurations for each sources type along with example configuration files additionally you can find a description of the fields below each example.


    type: file
    # Glob patterns
    - /var/log/apache/.log
    - /path/b
    - /var/${VAR}/*.log
    exclude: /var/log/apache/not_me.log
    sink: my_humio_instance
    parser: accesslog
    multiLineBeginsWith: ^20\d{2}-
      # static_fields transform adds configured key, value pairs as fields
      - type: static_fields
          mykey: myvalue
          # Passing environment variables is supported
          myenvvar: $MY_ENV_VAR
    type: humio
    token: <ingest-token-repo2> or an environment variable
    compression: gzip
    compressionLevel: 9
      insecure: false

        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      caFile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem


      fullAction: deleteOldest
      type: memory
        flushTimeOutInMillisecond: 200
        maxLimitInMB: 1024

File Source

The file source allows you to ship logs from file sources using glob patterns and it also allows gzip and bzip2 compressed formats. When type is set to file the following configurations apply:

Table: File Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
excludestringoptional[a]  Specify the file paths to exclude when collecting data. This field supports environment variable expansions. To use an environment variable, reference it using the syntax ${VAR}, where VAR is the name of the variable. The {}-braces may be omitted, however in that case the variable name can only contain: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] and "_".
excludeExtensionsstringoptional[a]  Specify the file extensions to exclude when collecting data. Some file extensions are automatically ignored even if they match an included pattern: xz, tgz, z, zip, 7z. Note, to include all formats set excludeExtensions to an empty array. This will have the effect that files will not be decompressed before ingest.
inactivityTimeoutintegeroptional[a]60 Specify the period of inactivity in seconds for a file being monitored before the file descriptor is closed to release system resource. Whenever the file changes, it is re-opened and the timeout restarted.
includestringoptional[a]  Specify the file paths to include when collecting data. This field supports environment variable expansions. To use an environment variable, reference it using the syntax ${VAR}, where VAR is the name of the variable. The {}-braces may be omitted, however in that case the variable name can only contain: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] and "_".

The file input can join consecutive lines together to create multiline events by using a regular expression. It can be configured to use a pattern to look for the beginning or the continuation of multiline events.

Example all multiline events beginning with a date, e.g. 2022 you would use:

multiLineBeginsWith: ^20\d{2}-

in this case every line that doesn't match the pattern, gets appended to the latest line that did.


The file input can join consecutive lines together to create multiline events by using a regular expression. It can be configured to use a pattern to look for the beginning or the continuation of multiline events. Lines that start with whitespace are continuations of the previous line. For example, to concatenate lines indented by whitespace (instead of starting at column 0):

multiLineContinuesWith: ^\s+

In this case every line that matches the pattern, gets appended to the latest line that didn't.

parserstringoptional[a]  Specify the parser within LogScale to use to parse the logs, if you install the parser through a package you must specify the type and name as displayed on the parsers page for example linux/system-logs:linux-filebeat. If a parser is assigned to the ingest token being used this parser will be ignored.
sinkregexoptional[a]  Name of the configured sink that should be sent the collected events
transformsstringoptional[a]  Specify transforms to use for this source (optional), if static_field is specified you must specify a key and a value which can be an environment variable for example myenvvar:$MY_ENV_VAR

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.

File Rotation Support

The Falcon Log Collector strives to support all kinds of file rotation.

  • The Collector fingerprints files larger than 256 bytes and increases the fingerprint block size up to 4096 bytes, as applicable.

  • The Collector supports rotation using the following methods:

    • rename

    • compression

    • truncation

    Where rename and compression files are detected as duplicates. Compressed files are considered static. Renamed files keep their fingerprints and further updates are supported. When files are truncated, the read offset is set to the new size, which may be 0 or non-zero. In the situation where the file is truncated followed by a quick update, the read offset depends on the time between the write and the processing of the event.

Reading Compressed Files

The Falcon Log Collector supports reading gzip and bzip2 compressed files.

If gzip or bzip2 compressed files are matched by the configured include patterns, these will be auto detected as gzip/bzip2 files (using the magic number at the beginning of the file), decompressed and ingested.

By default files with the following extensions will be ignored/skipped even if they match a configured include pattern:

  • .xz

  • .tgz

  • .z

  • .zip

  • .7z

File extensions to ignore/skip can be configured with the excludeExtensions config option. The default is:

excludeExtensions: ["xz", "tgz", "z", "zip", "7z"]

If excludeExtensions is set to an empty array, it is possible to override the default setting. These files will not be decompressed before ingest. For example:

excludeExtensions: []

Effectively sends files in the compressed format.

If it for some reason is desired to exclude gzip and bzip files in addition to the other excluded file extensions, the following option can be used (provided the compressed files are named *.gz, *.bz2):

excludeExtensions: ["xz", "tgz", "z", "zip", "7z", "gz", "bz2"]

## This is YAML, so structure and indentation is important.
## Lines can be uncommented by removing the #. You should not need to change the number of spaces after that.
## Configuration options have a single #, comments have a ##. Only uncomment the single # lines if you need them.

  # Collect syslog udp 1514.
    type: syslog
    mode: udp
    port: 1514
    sink: logscale
    ## Syslog UDP uses multiple workers by default if you want to use the 1.5v set workers to 1.
    #workers: 1
    ## You can manually specify a parser to be used here.
    ## If a parser is assigned to the ingest token this will be ignored.
    #parser: SampleSyslogParser
##   Optional: Max allowed event size (default = 2048 bytes) messages larger than this will be truncated
##  NOTE: Setting maxEventSize above the max allowed value will cause the FLC service to not start
#    maxEventSize: 1048576

  # Collect syslog tcp 1514.
    type: syslog
    mode: tcp
    port: 1514
    supportsOctetCounting: false
    strict: false
    sink: logscale
##   Optional: Max allowed event size (default = 2048 bytes) messages larger than this will be truncated
#    maxEventSize: 1048576

    type: logscale
    # Replace with your ingest token.
    # Replace with the "Ingest URL" on the FLC download page. It must include the "https://" at the beginning.
    url: https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ
    # This sets the maximum allowed single event size to 1 MB; larger messages will be truncated
    #maxEventSize: 1048576

Syslog Source

If type is set to syslog you must specify the port and mode fields.

Table: Syslog Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
bindstringoptional[a]all addresses Specify the address to bind to.
maxEventSizenumberoptional[a]  Maximum allowed syslog event size; syslog events larger than this will be truncated. If maxEventSize is also defined at sinks level the lower of the two values will be applied. Set this to the max value to avoid truncation issues.
modestringoptional[a]  Specify the protocol to listen to, which can be tcp or udp.
portintegeroptional[a]514 Specify the number of the port on which to listen.
receiveBufferSizeintegeroptional[a]64 times maxEventSize Size of the receive buffer.
sinkstringoptional[a]  Name of the configured sink that should be sent the collected events.
strictbooleanoptional[a]  Enable strict parsing of events. If an invalid event is encountered the connection will be closed. Only relevant when mode is tcp.
supportsOctetCountingbooleanoptional[a]  Enable handling of octet counting framing as per RFC6587. Only relevant when mode is tcp.
workersstringoptional[a]multiple workers UDP only. Specifies how many workers to use, you can set to 1 keep the 1.5 behavior, or to a value to override auto scale to CPU cores.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.

Windows Event Log Example
## This is YAML, so structure and indentation is important.
## Lines can be uncommented by removing the #. You should not need to change the number of spaces after that.
## Config options have a single #, comments have a ##. Only uncomment the single # lines if you need them.

    type: wineventlog
    ## Add other channels by simple adding additional "name" lines.
    ## The following command can be used to find other channels:
    ## Get-WinEvent -ListLog * -EA silentlycontinue | sort-object -Property Recordcount -desc
      - name: Application
        excludeEventIDs: [903, 900]
      - name: Security
        onlyEventIDs: [4624,4634,4672]
      - name: System
         - "Microsoft-Windows-NLB"
        levels: [0,1,2,3]
      - name: ForwardedEvents
      - name: Application
        type: query
        query: *[System[Level<4] and System/Provider[@Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP"]]
      - name: CustomQueryXML
        type: query
        query: |
              <Select Path="Application">
                *[System[Level>0] and System/Provider[@Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP"]]
              <Suppress Path="Application">
    ## You can manually specify a parser to be used here.
    ## The parser aside to the ingest token will override this parser setting
    #parser: SampleWindowsParser
    ## Set language to en-US
    language: 1033
    ## Don't send the raw XML
    includeXML: false
    sink: logscale
    type: humio
    ## Replace with the "Ingest URL" on the FLC download page. It must include the "https://" at the beginning.
    url: https://your.logscale.cluster
Windows Event Log Source

If type is set to wineventlog you must specify the channel.

Table: Windows Events Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription

channels Specify the windows event log channels to read, if no channels are specified the log collector will subscribe to all available channels. To add a filter, choose one of the options below for either named channels or a query.

Optional fields for named channels:

  • onlyEventIDs read only specific IDs

  • excludeEventIDsexclude specific IDs

  • providersread only specific providers

  • levels read only specific severity levels


Subscribing to all channels may impact performance as the amount of data logged would be very high.


channels: - name: <channel name> - name: ...

Fields when using a query:

  • type: query enables query mode

  • query The XML or XPath query. Use "|" character to enable indended multiline queries for improved readabilty.

includeXMLbooleanoptional[a]true When set to false to XML files are excluded from the source.

Specify the language for the event message, collected as @rawstring using Windows LCID language code. This only applies for rendering of the event message (no other values) and only for local events.

In the case of forwarded events the message is rendered locally by the Windows Event Forwarded, and when collected on the Windows Event Collector, the message is plain text to the LogScale Collector.

The default setting is 0, which corresponds to the previous behaviour, which is the active language on the host.

(introduced in 1.4.1)
providersarrayoptional[a]  Specify an array of provider names to filter events by provider.
sinkstringoptional[a]  Name of the configured sink that should be sent the collected events.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.


    # Example for reading journald log data (linux only)
    type: journald
    sink: my_humio
    # Optional. If not specified collect from the local journal
    directory: /var/log/journal
    # If specified only collect from these units
      - systemd-modules-load.service
    # If specified collect from all units except these
      - systemd-modules-load.service
    # Default: false. If true only collect logs from the current boot
    currentBootOnly: false
    type: humio
    token: &lt;ingest-token-repo2&gt; or an environment variable
    compression: gzip
    compressionLevel: 9
      insecure: false

        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      caFile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem

    proxy: none

      fullAction: deleteOldest
        flushTimeOutInMillisecond: 200
        maxLimitInMB: 1024

Journal Source

type is set to Journald in order to read JournalD log data (linux only) you must specify the following fields:

Table: Journal Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
currentBootOnlystringoptional[a]false If true only collect logs from the current boot.
directorystringoptional[a]  Allows you to specify the journal directory to collect from, if not specified collects from the local journal.
excludeUnitsstringoptional[a]  If specified the collector will not collect from these units.
includeUnitsstringoptional[a]  If specified the Collector will only collect from these units.
sinkstringrequired  Name of the sink, which you configured in sinks, that should be sent the collected events.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.

Syslog via TLS

    type: syslog_tls

#   Required: PEM certificate file.
    certificateFile: cert.pem

#   Required: PEM private key for the certificate.
    keyFile: privkey.pem
##   Optional: Max allowed event size (default = 2048 bytes) messages larger than this will be truncated
##  NOTE: Setting maxEventSize above the max allowed value will cause the FLC service to not start
#    maxEventSize: 1048576

##   Optional: Receive buffer size. Defaults to 16x maxEventSize dynamically.
##  NOTE: receiveBufferSize must be set higher than the maxEventSize value otherwise FLC service won't start
#    receiveBufferSize: 16777216
##   Optional: Enable strict event handling. Events that don't start with '<' or an octet counting header are discarded and the connection is closed.
#    strict: false

##   Optional: Port number to bind to. Default 6514.
#    port: 6514

##   Optional: Address to bind to. Default "", which is all addresses.
#    bind: ""

##   No client validation, default if section is omitted.
#    clientAuthentication:
#      type: none

##   Verify client via CA cert:
#    clientAuthentication:
#      type: ca
#      caFile: ca.pem

##   Verify client via cert fingerprint:
#    clientAuthentication:
#      type: fingerprint
#      fingerprints:
#        - sha-1:bf:88:e7:9e:58:04:d6:85:e6:06:2e:e0:de:d1:3c:44:cd:33:b6:ba
#        - sha-256:89:83:8E:56:61:EC:D4:BF:ED:DA:88:2B:A4:8A:27:25:EF:B5:39:F9:5E:59:2D:CA:38:AC:51:8D:C6:7C:D9:59

##   Optional: TLS options.
#  tls:
##     Optional: minimum TLS version to accept. Default 1_2. Valid values are 1_0, 1_1, 1_2, 1_3.
#      minVersion: 1_2
##     Optional: maximum TLS version to accept. Default 1_3. Valid values are 1_0, 1_1, 1_2, 1_3.
#      maxVersion: 1_3

##     Optional: List of cipher suites to accept. Defaults to all of the valid values. Valid values are listed.      
#      ciphers:
#        - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
#        - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
#        - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
#        - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
#        - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
#        - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
#        - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
#        - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
#        - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    type: logscale
    # Replace with your ingest token.
    # Replace with the "Ingest URL" on the FLC download page. It must include the "https://" at the beginning.
    url: https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ
    # This sets the maximum allowed single event size to 1 MB; larger messages will be truncated
    #maxEventSize: 1048576

Syslog TLS Source

type is set to syslog_tls in order to read syslog data via TLS you must specify the following fields:

Table: Syslog TLS Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
bindstringoptional[a]  Address to bind to. Default "", which is all addresses.
certificateFileconstant syslog_tlsoptional[a]  PEM certificate file.

Client validation, no verification is performed if the section is omitted.

   Valid Values
   caVerify client via CA cert. See CA Certificate.
   fingerprintsVerify client via cert fingerprint. See Certificate Fingerprints.
   noneNo client authentication applied. See None.
keyFilestringoptional[a]  PEM private key for the certificate.
maxEventSizenumberoptional[a]  Max event size. Specify the number of bytes. When using Syslog set this to 8388608 where possible to avoid truncation issues.
portnumberoptional[a]  Port number to bind to. Default 6514.
receiveBufferSizenumberoptional[a]  Receive buffer size. Defaults to 16x maxEventSize dynamically. Specify the number of bytes.
strictbooloptional[a]  Enable strict event handling. Events that don't start with $#60; or an octet counting header are discarded and the connection is closed.
supportsOctetCountingbooleanoptional[a]  Enable handling of octet counting framing as per RFC6587. Only relevant when mode is tcp.
tlsTLSoptional[a]  TLS options, the tls key allows you to configure the TLS listener.
   Valid Values
   ciphersList of cipher suites to accept. Defaults to all of the valid values. Valid values are listed in Ciphers.
   maxVersionOptional: maximum TLS version to accept. Default 1_3. Valid values are 1_0, 1_1, 1_2, 1_3.
   minVersionOptional: minimum TLS version to accept. Default 1_2. Valid values are 1_0, 1_1, 1_2, 1_3.
sinkstringoptional[a]  Name of the configured sink that should be sent the collected events.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.

Client Authentication

To configure client authentication, the following modes are available:

When using client authentication, unauthorized connections will be closed.


  type: none

Field Type Required Description
type constant none yes The type field determine the type of authentication to use.
Certificate Fingerprints
  type: fingerprint
    - sha-1:bf:88:e7:9e:58:04:d6:85:e6:06:2e:e0:de:d1:3c:44:cd:33:b6:ba
    - sha-256:89:83:8E:56:61:EC:D4:BF:ED:DA:88:2B:A4:8A:27:25:EF:B5:39:F9:5E:59:2D:CA:38:AC:51:8D:C6:7C:D9:59
Field Type Required Description
type constant fingerprint yes The type field determine the type of authentication to use.
fingerprints Array of strings yes A list of trusted client certificates identified by their fingerprints.

A certificate can be fingerprinted using OpenSSL with the following command:

$ openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in cert.pem | sed 's/sha256 Fingerprint=/sha-256:/'
CA Certificate
  type: ca
  caFile: /path/to/ca.pem
Field Type Required Description
type constant ca yes The type field determine the type of authentication to use.
caFile string yes Path to a CA certificate file.

The specified certificate file may contain multiple CA certificates to trust.


The following is a list of all the possible ciphers





  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256











Generating a self signed certificate

You can generate an self signed certificate using the following OpenSSL commands:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out privkey.pem
 openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out cert.pem
Unified Logs Example

   type: unifiedlog
   format: compact
     - process: sudo
     - process: logind
   parser: "apple/unifiedlog:unifiedlog-compact"
   sink: logscale

   type: unifiedlog
   format: json
     - process: securityd
       predicate: eventMessage CONTAINS 'Session ' && subsystem == ''
   parser: "apple/unifiedlog:unifiedlog-json"
   sink: logscale

   type: humio
   token: <ingest-token>
   url: <logscale-base-url> // example -

Unified Log Source

type is set to unifiedlog in order to achieve the best results from Unified log data we recommend using the following fields and installing the apple/unifiedlog package.

Table: Unified log Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
formatstringoptional[a]compact Sets the output format. Can be either compact or json.
includearrayrequired  Specifies the channels to filter for include when collecting data.
intervalintegeroptional[a]1 Specifies how often the log is read. Specified in seconds.
parserstringoptional[a]  Specify a dedicated unifiedlog parser. E.g. apple/unifiedlog:unifiedlog-compact. If a parser is assigned to the ingest token being used this parser will be ignored.
predicatestringoptional[a]  Specifies a user defined predicate to query specific logs.
processstringoptional[a]  Specifies a process to filter for when collect logs.
sinkstringoptional[a]  Name of the configured sink that should be sent the collected events.
subsystemstringoptional[a]  Specify a subsystem to log.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.

The subsystem, process and predicate identifiers may be combined as demonstrated in the examples.


The log out can be filtered in case only a specific type of logs are required or the data load needs to be limited. The option is directly forwarded to the built-in log command in the configuration for each channel.

Pattern Clauses

The filter expression matches one or more of the following pattern clauses:

  • eventMessage - specify a text pattern, or text, within the message, or an activity name.

  • processImagePath - this matches the text pattern in the name of the process which originated the event.

  • senderImagePath - this matches the text pattern in the name of the sender, which might be the name of a library, extension, or executable.

  • subsystem - this matches the subsystem specifier, e.g. Although potentially valuable, subsystems are not yet widely used, and discovering which is which is not easy. Use with caution.

  • category - this matches the category, and should be used in conjunction with the subsystem filter; for the whole specifier, the subsystem is and the specifier is TMLogInfo.

  • eventType - matches the type of event, such as logEvent (1024), traceEvent (768), activityCreateEvent (513), or activityTransitionEvent (514). Can be given as characters (case-sensitive) or digits as shown in parentheses. Use these only with the operators == or !=, as they are treated as numbers rather than text.

  • messageType - matches the type of message for logEvent and traceEvent, and includes default (0), release (0), info (1), debug (2), error (16), and fault (17). Can be given as characters (case-sensitive) or digits as shown in parentheses. Use these only with the operators == or !=, as they are treated as numbers rather than text.


The following comparison and other operators are available:

  • == (or =) for equality

  • != or <> for inequality

  • >= or => for greater than or equal to

  • <= or =< for less than or equal to

  • > for greater than

  • < for less than

  • AND or && for logical and

  • OR or || for logical or

  • NOT or ! for logical not

  • BEGINSWITH, CONTAINS, ENDSWITH, LIKE, MATCHES for string comparisons, using regex expressions when desired; strings can be compared with case insensitivity and diacritic insensitivity by appending [cd] to the operator, e.g. CONTAINS[c] means case-insensitive comparison

  • UTI-CONFORMS-TO, UTI-EQUALS support comparison of UTIs like com.adobe.pdf

  • ANY, SOME, NONE, IN, and array operators are available but unlikely to be used

  • FALSE, TRUE, NULL have their expected literal meanings.

Exec Example
    type: cmd
    cmd: ls
    # scheduled or streaming
    mode: scheduled
      - -l
      - -h
    workingDir: /foo
    # Interval between each invocation of the cmd
    interval: 60

    # Output mode when using mode 'scheduled'. Either 'streaming' (default) or 'consolidateOutput'.
    # When outputMode is set to 'consolidateOutput', the entire output of the scheduled command is sent as a single event.
    # outputMode: consolidateOutput

    # Environment variables can be configured and passed to the command
      # define CONFIGURED_ENV1 as environment variable
      CONFIGURED_ENV1: my_configured_env_1
      # Pass environment variable: MY_ENV_VAR to command
    sink: my_humio

    type: cmd
    cmd: tail
    mode: streaming
      - -F
    workingDir: /foo
    sink: my_humio

    type: humio
    token: <ingest-token-repo2> or an environment variable
    compression: gzip
    compressionLevel: 9
      insecure: false

        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      caFile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem

    proxy: none

      fullAction: deleteOldest
        flushTimeOutInMillisecond: 200
        maxLimitInMB: 1024
Exec Source

If type is set to cmd you must specify the fields:

Table: Exec Source

ParameterTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
argsstringoptional[a]  The arguments of the command.
environmentstringoptional[a]  Specify the Environment variables and pass them to commands using this section.
intervalstringrequired  Specifies how frequently the command should be invoked when set to scheduled. Specified in seconds.
modestringoptional[a]  Can be set to scheduled to collect data at intervals in which case you must specify the interval or streaming to collect data constantly. To create a single multiline event when running in the schedule mode set the option consolidateOutput to true.
sinkstringoptional[a]  Name of the sink, which you configured in sinks, that should be sent the collected events.
workingDirstringrequired  Specifies the directory in which to run the command.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.

Linux Example
  # Collect local files.
  type: file
  include: /var/log/*
  exclude: /var/log/*.gz
  sink: humio

  # Collect syslog udp 5140.
  type: syslog
  mode: udp
  port: 5140
  sink: humio
  workers: 1

  # Collect syslog tcp 5140.
  type: syslog
  mode: tcp
  port: 5140
  sink: humio

    type: humio
      # Replace with your specified ingest token.
    token: $INGEST_TOKEN
      # Replace with your "standard endpoint" API URL:
    url: $HUMIO_URL
File Linux Source

This configuration example which uses the file source with specific values for collecting var logs.

See Configuration Elements for information on the common elements in the configuration, for example sinks, and their configuration parameters and details on the structure of the configuration files.